Hi all!
Well, I had my takedown last week and am happy to report all went well and I was discharged from the hospital after four days. I'm resting comfortably at home with my family and my bidet, which is now a beloved member of said family.
I thought I knew it all but now I'm questioning everything, guess I just need some reassurance, so here are a couple of questions...
- Is a DRE typically performed during takedown? Sometimes I know I need to get more stuff out of my pouch but it takes a long time and I start worrying I might have a stricture. I had a DRE check for stricture a few weeks after Step 2 but not since then (to my knowledge, unless they do it during the operation).
- I'm on Day 3 of solid foods and my output is still yellow liquid with some solid "flakes" in it. No "refried bean" consistency yet, not remotely. Is this normal? How long will it take to get ANY thickness? My output was VERY thick (like soft formed stool) from my end ileostomy so I'm sort of expecting the pouch output to get there eventually too. In the meantime I am using all of the "dietary tricks" I know to thicken things up.
- It isn't hard for me to hold in a BM while I'm sitting or lying down, but when I stand up it becomes more urgent. Normal?
- I feel like I am "holding it in" a little bit pretty much all the time, even immediately after emptying my pouch (and I usually sit on the toilet, move around, stand up, etc for a few minutes to try to get everything out). Is this normal? Does the feeling go away?
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