We have looked into the possibility of going to Cleveland Clinic and also have done much research and reading ... and goodness! The problems that seem to be almost guaranteed with a j-pouch are many - and unpleasant, to say the very least! But with all the ostomy problems he's had in the last couple months, settling for a permanent ileostomy is beyond depressing. Then last night, we stumbled across an ad for BCIR, something we've never heard about.
So ... HELP!! How's a body supposed to decide?? The more we read, it seems like a j-pouch rather controls one's life and causes much pain and agony. At least with an ostomy, you mainly get to choose when to mess with it, if all is going well. Even BCIR seems less traumatic than a j-pouch. We really need to figure out what to do as having a total colectomy is the suggested further treatment to guard against cancer recurrence.
Has anyone had their j-pouch surgery done at Cleveland Clinic? My husband's original surgeon wants to do it, but he's new ... as is his new robotic toy he wants to use ... and it's never been done at that hospital ... and he dodges the "how much experience do you personally have" question by telling us we won't find anyone with alot of experience, so we aren't very enthusiastic about staying local.
Oh - and is BCIR ever a first resort vs. a last resort? As in, does a j-pouch have to fail before that's an option?
Sorry for the long post and many questions! Any suggestions &/or information is welcome. It just feels like a really HUGE decision! THANKS!