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Hi all, I hate using Public Toilets as my outputs are always quite noisy... It's really embarrassing, particularly where there are 'open' style cubicles that don't reach the ceiling, thereby not offering any privacy. I sometimes try waiting until the Loos are quieter or else, I use the Disabled Toilet which is so much more discreet.  I guess I have two questions here... Do others experience noisy output? I have amended my diet in order to try eliminate gas but it hasn't worked. My second question relates to my occasional use of the Disabled Toilet facilities... Should I be using them? I sometimes feel so bad leaving the Loo and imagine others thinking that 'she's able bodied what's she doing using the Disabled Loo?' I may appear to be 'normal' but I may have been on the loo for twenty mins dealing with all sorts not to mention walking like a cow boy with dreadful butt burn for my trouble! Is there an Identity Card we can use to identify ourselves as having a specific condition?  Would welcome any views/thoughts you may have!

Áth Bliain faoi mhÁise!


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Shylock - I'm like you - I just would rather not have explosive gas and poop that blows all over the toilet in public RRs.  Others seem to have no problem with it - I think it's very personal and I think a bit harder for women than men - but I could be wrong.  You should feel zero guilt for using disabled RR. None. When I was working in schools for years, I would go walking around the school to try to find an RR with no one in it....sometimes successfully, sometimes not.  I would not eat much at work so I could get through the day without going at work.  I know people say it's crazy to do that, but for me, it was an issue.  My sister who is fortunate to be a stay home mom hated it when she was working.  She does a lot - goes to gym, plays tennis, etc. - but does all this close to home - then comes home to her private bathroom.  Feel no guilt for feeling the way you do and feel no guilt for using disabled RRs!! 

Rachel -Good for you!!! You have a great attitude- maybe I will get there one day!  I just feel like my privacy is being invaded - but I wish I was like you! I know my father, who is now 80 and got his pouch at 50 does not care a bit about it.  He lets it blow wherever he is and doesn't give a shit  My sister and I do care.  One of my best vacations was with family years ago - we went to this little cabin up in islands off Seattle - it had an outhouse.  I LOVED it.  It was quite a distance from the cabin - I could go out there and be so loud and because it was open, smell went away fast.  And, no toilet bowl to be full of poop spray!  I wish I could invent something magical - my own little outhouse to take with me everywhere I go ha!

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