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Thanks my surgeon keeps telling me I'm in menopause. I've had tons of lab work  at obgyn and endocrinologist thats all normal.  I thought it was related to surgery. My psychiatrist said people overlook the brain-gut relationship. They play a huge role with each other. She thinks this is the cause of the depression and sadness .

I'vé had over literally 2 dozen gut procedures and except for those that I had before adolescence they all threw my periods off. 

(Cortisone and surgery gave me my 1st periods at 10!)

Surgery is a trauma whether it is programmed or due to an accident and the body-brain connection suffers terribly.  You can suffer from PTDS which can send you into spiraling depression, sleeplessness and crying can over-eat, stop eating, become angry, tearful, lose concentration and mental acuity. It is a huge grab-bag of symptoms. 

Losing your period is just one of them. If no one yanked your girly parts out then there is no reason to believe that your period is gone forever. 

By the way, talking it out ( to a girlfriend or family member...not necessarily a shrink) can help to ease the PTSD a bit.



Thanks Sharon I think its the depression and sadness,unable to remember or focus that's bothered me the most. I see my psych next week. I just hope everything passes but who knows. I haven't ran across one doctor who that doesnt look at me like a strange object when I say colectomy. Nobody gets the physical and emotional trauma.

Personally, I don't think that it is the loss of the colon that causes the trauma, but the impact of very major surgery in addition to prolonged illness prior to it.

Plus, if the stress and trauma of surgery have put you into a temporary state of menopause, that is a very real thing. Your GYN would be a good doc to see. 


I don't think that there is a one size fits all cure but some general rules that can help.

You need a really good multivitamin with essential minerals to support your whole system.  Next, exercise works wonders on exhaustion and depression as well as on general joint and back pain. 

You need to have some blood work see if you are anemic or suffering from any other deficiency. Anemia can lead to exhaustion, depression, insomnia, mood swings, aches and pains and even loss of cycle.

By the way dehydration can mimic a lot of the same symptoms. 

Sugar and yeast can do the same things too...I get hooked on sugar and end up exhausted, depressed and lazy, confused and forgetful. 

You may wish to kerpp a food diary to track your intake and moods too.


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