May need surgery if NG tube doesn't help
Anyone else ever been here?
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So sorry Maddie,
Although I personally hate the NG tube it does have its uses...And a blockage is the best reason that I know of to have one put in...if you swallow continously while they are putting it in it goes better...they can also freeze the back of your throat before putting it in so that your gag reflex doesn't kick in as much...I always cry (more a reflex than from any real pain) but it does not hurt...
I hope that they find what is wrong and get it fixed up for you.
I had a loop of bowel that was caught up in adhesions so there was only one They did it through laporoscopy and it went very well...only 2 nights int he hospital too...
You might try bouncing around a lot, walk, rolling from side to side on a large ball (from soccer to pilates ball, they are all useful) gently twisting or rolling back and forth with your legs pulled up to your chest (on a yoga mat or a carpet please or you will hurt you back), wearing a large scarf or extra wide, stretchy belt (sort of a back support belt or one of those stretchy sweat-belts...) helps too...massaging your tummy with some oil on your hand (massage in clockwise circles around your belly button...(so says my 85yr old sister-in-law) and warm baths can all help you to pass the blockage...But if it does not resolve itself within 24hrs then get to the ER...They usually keep you another 24-72hrs before deciding on surgery or not.
Good luck
Sharon, I think Maddie is already in the hospital if she has an NG tube in Place. They don't usually send you home with it.
So sorry, Not paying attention...
I had an NG tube placed earlier this year. I had some scar tissue that had wrapped it's tentacles around two spots of my small intestine. Surgery was inevitable, but what an instant relief it was.
The NG tube is an annoyance, but not too painful. You will get a sore throat, but it provides pre-surgery relief. Ask them to give you a a dose of Dilaudid before administering - this will make you not care as much as most painkillers do. A good nurse will have it done in a matter seconds.
Hi Maddie. I've been there MANY times. Honestly, I've lost count, but I think it was episode number 6 that landed me in surgery. The others resolved on their own with fluids, NG suction, pain meds, anti-nausea until the kinks undid or the adhesions broke (whatever was going on). Some took 24 or 48 hours and some a week to get better. They performed surgery the last time, which involved lysing many adhesions.
yes, been there. had ng tube several times. by a fluke, during a hysterectomy, they botched it and perforated my bowel. So, they had to do emergency surgery and they really went after tons of adhesions and tried to sort of get my small bowel arranged better. Had one time after that with an ng tube. No blockages since. I hope you are getting better. It's so hard and frightening when you are in the hospital and you fear the worst. 29 years of j pouch and I'm still here. Hang in there.
I had a twisted bowel (small intestine) about 2 months after takedown. Ouch!!!!! Admitted to hospital. Nurse put in NG tube and was a pro at doing so! I was on a morphine drip with a pain pump. Every day my surgeon visited about twice. Each time he told me he had reserved operating room but wanted to try untwisting my bowel by manipulating it. Ouch!!!!!! However, after three days, relief!!!!! His deep massages worked! I remain very grateful to him!
Yeah depends on the nurse putting it in, my last ER trip the nurse did it so fast and careless it cut me through my nose down to my throat.
I HATE NG tubes but it's a necessary evil.