Hello everyone,
I am new to the forum, but have read a number of the posts here before my surgery. I'm in a pickle and hoping for some advice from the seasoned K Pouchers. I had my K pouch formed in January and have had some complications which necessitated the placing of a temporary loop ileostomy. A few weeks ago I had my reversal, and I am now using my pouch.
All seemed to be going well at first, but I have had two hospitalisations due to not being able to insert the catheter. I am using the Marlin 30fr. When I have difficulty the valve feels very long and the end of the valve feels like hitting a wall. After any unsuccessful intubation I have stool and gas escape from the stoma hours later.
After ending up in the ER, my surgeon is able to scope my pouch under sedation, and insert a guidewire then thread a Foley Catheter over it. After some time of having the Foley catheter in place with a drainage bag in hospital, I seem to be able to use the K Pouch catheter again for a short while.
I have had a CAT scan for the pouch done (lying on my back, 200ml of contrast). I have viewed the scan, and the view through the pelvis, I can see that the valve is on an acute angle to the centre of my body. The pouch also appears to be more centralised than I expected it to be (surgeon said this is because I have a small pelvis).
The surgeons have decided on a wait and see approach for the minute. I'm very frustrated as I am having to leave a Foley catheter in a lot of the time and I am having noisy gas and stool escape after trying the K pouch cath. I even had so much leakage I had to wear a two piece Ostomy appliance over the IDC (due to eating spicy food - bad idea), so I'm glad I still have some standard ileostomy supplies around.