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Coloplast Sensura Mio is now available in a  two piece convex.  They called me last week and I should have samples coming in the mail soon.   My skin is breaking out under my water and my ostomy nurse said I was allergic to the Hollister.   I also order a new Hollister sample called the cera plus.  It's supposed to keep your skin in good shape.   Excited to try both.  

I am now using convatec. They make the wafer you don't have to cut and fits like a turtleneck over the stoma. 

Couldn't be easier.  And I find them to be very comfortable. 

Everyone has a best brand.  I like the Hollister too. 

Have one on now.  I like the soft wafer material.  Moves with you. 

I think the Milo's have the same soft material.  I don't have any right now. 

But I swap between the Hollister and the Convetec.  

I like em both.  And my stoma skin is finally healing after a month and a half.  That feels good in itself. 

Coloplast.... It seems hard at the wafer and I can feel it when I twist and bend.  The regular Coloplast that is. 


I definitely recommend the Sensura Mio (which is what Allykat is referring to). The recently released a convex version (not that that's necessarily better for you, just depends on your stoma). I used it with Coloplast's "Brava" barrier ring and their "brava" elastic strips and was able to get over a week's weartime including physical activity and long showers. I started loving my stoma when I finally found that perfect setup. I suggest you work hard to find it for yourself.

I love Coloplast's products but couldn't get them to work for more than a day. The reason is my flabby abdomen. I tried the new ones. I had to modify them by cutting down the oval shape and useing their elastic strips to hold it to my tummy.  I worked ok except my skin brakes out under the elastic strips. The one piece's bag had some weird filter thing that holds in part of the output (poop). It just stayed in there making it feel like the bag was half full. So I did a little customizing the next use by trimming all I could out.  It was too much customising by trimming back the oval wafer and the inside of the bag.  I envy all of you that can wear them. The actual convexity felt good. 

I am using the same Convatec product that Richard is using. I need to make the hole a but larger as I am between sizes. It's easy as the wax like base is very flexable/moldable. I like the Hollister bags better than Convatec's But each brand just fits only their wafers. 

I used Hollister before settling on Convatec. It's nice knowing that I have a backup brane. My Stoma nurse has me changing every other day and more often if needed. It's because I am having too much output and fighting dehydration. I'm using Lopermide and Metamucil caplets and a variety of tabs and liquid hydration products in my water.

I need a break. This is a 24/7 problem. 4 months out I expected to have it all under control. I can't even drink a little wine with my cheese as it's too dehydrating

This is still better than my j-pouch life was.  I can leave the house and do stuff. We took our daughter and 2 grandsons to see the new Star Wars movie for my birthday!  I couldn't do anything with them outside of the house before my ileostomy.   

I appreciate you all for sharing how you are doing. I am happy for you all. SOLOMOSEAL - you are doing great! One week's use is fantastic!

Yes... It is good news. 

But as we know it takes some getting used to. 

But.... I am adjusting better than I thought I would. 

In the back of my mind I thought I would have all kinds of unexpected problems like I did when I received my pouch.  What happened there was totally unexpected and as many know here no fun whatsoever.  

Something as simple as going to the movies and really enjoying the experience has been a long time coming. 

T E.... Isn't it wonderful? 

I mean we have new things to learn but as for my self.. I have no pain... Urgency... Or any of the problems as before.  I don't know why I waited.  Well... I do... I wanted it to work.  But I knew deep down it was not going to. 

But I don't mourn losing it.  



If you have read some of my older posts.  I tried.... I was afraid to do this because it was final.  End of the line and it was what i were going to have the rest of my life.  That... Scared me.  It was the unknown.  

Last edited by Mysticobra

Ok, so I just received the new mio convex in the mail today for samples.  The convexity looks super scary! And the wafer just looks "hard" and un-bendable.  I also received the Hollister Ceraplus which is supposed to be excellent for the skin. I'm gonna try them both and wil report back.  Since my issue right now is skin allergies and I wear Hollister now I may try it first.  I'm undecided but will let you know my opinions on them very soon.   


Worry will be there.  Until you are done. 

I had my pouch removed November 9th.

Almost two months now. 

I worried like crazy.  I had a horrible night mare experience getting the pouch. 

This surgery was so easy compared to that.  And that was what I was worried about.  All that I went through to get the pouch. 

I had nothing but pain.. Urgency... And of course like you say how am I gonna do today? 

It was still painful but for only a week... Or more.. And it calmed down fast.  I was so surprised.  Now.. This is my experience.  Yours may differ.  I would hope it doesn't. 

That... Is all gone now.  

I worried for nothing because it was the right thing to do for me. 

As for bags.  Right now I am using Convetec. No cut wafer.  And that bugger is sticky so I don't worry about it peeling off. 

Just stretch it a little bigger than the stoma and slap it on.  It will shrink a bit once you put it on.  But they work great. 

I have Hollister too but u have to cut the wafer to size. 

They are comfortable though. 

One thing is no mater which one I use I find that they leak by the stoma.  I have used paste to no avail. 

 I don't get any stinging or burn so I don't know it is leaking until I take it off to shower..... Which by the way feels wonderful.  I leave it off as long as my stoma behaves to get the skin nice and dry. 

I have tried three manufacturers. 

They are all ok.  You will find the right one. 

Are they removing your pouch? 


P.  S. 

Order the samples now.  So you will have them when you get home. 

I use "Skin Barrier Ring Conforming Seals." They turtleneck around the stoma and provide a snug fit. I use those and I went down an eighth of an inch in size in my bag opening and my skin has never looked better. No skin breakdown at all. I came to this system ten months after my surgery so it pays to keep trying new products until we find what works for us. 

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