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For the last 5 days I have been totally down. No work no nothing. Yesterday was the first time I could eat a actual meal. I was really starting to feel better. Then I woke up this morning with rotten egg burps, puking and back to neon green water poo. I've had a pretty constant string of flare ups for about 13 years now. But have never experienced anything like this. At first I thought I had food poisoning but now I'm not so sure. Monday-Tuesday I had a fever, vomiting and constant bright green neon water poo, fatigue, headache, muscle weakness, light headed. On Tuesday my fever broke but all the other symptoms continued. All the while I have had no gas. No abdominal pain that tells me it's not a pouchitis flareup. I have been drinking as much water as I can to stay as hydrated as possible. So Thursday I could eat. Kept it simple but got food down. Still continued with the bright neon green water poo. But I had food in my system. Really thought I was doing better. I live kind of really far away from hospitals that actually know what to do with me. So I generally try to ride things out and not jump to conclusions. But I'm getting pretty worried. Has anyone experienced something like this? If so what did it end up being?

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Could it be a partial blockage? Do you have any experience with them? Other than the rotten eggs burps it sounds pretty much like my blockages: nausea, fever, green water (sometimes neon yellow)...sometimes I can get nothing down and even ice chips start the peristaltic reaction of vomiting & cramps...that is when I know that it is a total obstruction.

With partial obstructions I can sip liquids, sometimes a bit of soup and slowly but surely as it opens up I can keep more stuff down. I get nausea and throw up a bit but not systematically...the green output takes a few days to resolve but usually once I can get solids back in.

I do not know of any way of treating them other than to keep moving, walking, and using heating pads.

If it goes beyond a certain number of days/time and I get dehydrated then I know that I must head to ER...for me it is past 24-30hrs with no fluid intake.

Stay vigilant.


Thanks everyone! 

Sharon, I do have alot of experience with blockages. But with no pain I wasn't concerned with something like that. For be a blockage even just a partial will drop me to the ground out of nowhere. But one never knows. Every time is different. 

I was thinking it could be something gallbladder related or something like that. If not food poisoning. My boyfriend ate the same exact thing as me and didn't get sick at all. That's why I wasn't convinced food poisoning was the case. I am finally feeling a ton better. Have been able to go back to work. But I dropped 10 pounds so I'm extremely weak. Finally able to keep food in me longer than 5 minutes. Hydration definitely is key. But I'm not a fan of dealing with all the stress of a hospital for just an IV. And unfortunately my insurance won't pay for ER visits unless it is literally life or death or a broken bone. 

So I'm just staying hydrated and taken it slow and hoping for the best. 

People, our population included, sometimes just get GI bugs. Recently, a friend with a colon was down a week with one. We are not spared, you know?  We just go quicker to bile stools and liquid stools being devoid of a large bowel. It just sounds like some sort of bug.

I generally can get through them if it's just diarrhea, when I can drink. But with nausea and vomiting, I head out for some IV fluids and IV Zofran. I get dehydrated right-quick if I can't drink enough. If in 24 hours that doesn't turn around, I'm guaranteed a trip to urgent care. 

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