So... I am about three weeks post-takedown. I saw my surgeon yesterday and he said I could begin advancing my diet beyond the low-residue foods I have been eating. Hooray! I started out this morning with oatmeal, which I did very well with (I had expected as much, having read a lot about how great oatmeal seems to be for jpouchers.) I am wondering if anyone has suggestions, from your experience, of what I should start out with as far as fruit, vegetables, etc. I have been eating some bananas the past few weeks, though never a whole banana at once, as half of one alone seems to slow things down considerably and I don't want to get too stopped up. I was thinking of trying a bit of a peeled apple tomorrow with breakfast- would this be a good fruit to start with? I am also going to get some sort of melon next time I'm out. When I had my ostomy, I only ate a minimal amount of lettuce, and I reeaally miss eating salads... how long should I wait before trying a small salad? I am very concerned about causing a blockage, and am aware that even though I am feeling great, my insides are probably still healing.
Any input is greatly appreciated.

Oh, p.s. - I posted last week or so about being concerned that I might have stricture. Well, I tweaked my diet a bit and am no longer having issues feeling like I have to strain, etc. I think I was just eating too much bread, peanut butter, and banana at once, tehehe.