Hi fellow pouchers this is my first time posting here so hello everyone!
I will give you a brief summary of what I have been through :-
May 2022 - Emergency operation to remove colon and create ileostomy. (Only noticed UC symptoms for 2 weeks before op, which apparently is quite rare according to my surgeon. So I have never considered myself to 'suffer' with UC as such, like many of you guys had for years.
June 2023 - Operation to remove ileostomy and create J-Pouch. This was all done in one operation and within a few days I was having bm's!
So anyway, I'm now coming up to 4 weeks post surgery and I have a few questions if any of you guys could be kind enough to answer...
I am having about 15-20 bm's a day, I know this is on the high end but I think I get a little paranoid more than anything when I 'feel' anything in the pouch and feel the need to release it immediately, does anyone have any tips on this, maybe on how to reduce bm's a bit?
Also, night-time's can be a bit of a nightmare for me as I'm awoken every other hour and feel the need to go to the toilet mostly. Is there tips to improve this? I find when I have a few beers the night before I sleep a lot better and wake up considerably less, but this isn't a sustainable solution LOL.
Another weird thing that kind of seems to go against a lot of general tips and advice is the fact that if I have an empty stomach - I seem to have more BM's, as any liquids I take seem to literally 'move right through me' if that makes sense. Even before bed if I haven't eaten anything for a while I seem to have diarrhea of the night.
It probably is worth mentioning in terms of supplements and medication, I take one Loperamide tablet in the morning and one before bed. Also, I have Psyllium Husk powder, which I take sometimes before a meal (not sure if this helps me or not really..).
I know I've bombarded this with so many questions but thanks so much to anyone reading!