I recently had my ileostomy reversal (3 weeks ago) and am going to the bathroom over 30 times a day. I have been taking Metamucil once a day and take Imodium whenever I have diarrhea (about once a day). For the most part, my stool is semi-formed. However, I am still going to the bathroom so many times. I was wondering what advice you all had that could help me reduce this number. I feel like I spend a decent part of my day in the bathroom and want to get some relief now.
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In my case, given the spasms and diarrhea I am experiencing on a daily basis (although not 30 times a day) I am taking Imodium before breakfast, lunch and dinner and one before bedtime (this is GI doctor approved)
I am hoping that stopping the iv antibiotics (today is my last dose) will calm my GI tract down.
If I did not take 4 per day, I would have cramps and diarrhea every 15 to 30 minutes.
In my non medically trained humble opinion I am willing to trade diarrhea for constipation.
and btw, I still leak while I sleep, so nothing is perfect.
I hope you and I get relief from this shitty situation we are in 😧
Sorry you are feeling so badly. Three weeks is such a short time - I would bet it will get better in a few weeks. I had a similar problem. I tried to fight the urge to go and as the weeks went on my bowel movements went down - I am at 15 now 7 weeks out from takedown.
@Newish J-Pouch This is still very early days. Many surgeons instruct their patients to begin to delay bathroom trips a bit at a time. This is sometimes called “stretching the pouch.” The goal isn’t to have accidents but to become accustomed to the variety of sensations that don’t actually require a bathroom trip.
At your stage I was going around 40, things take time. Almost 7 years later I now go close to 20. Your bms will get better.
I personally never fought my urges when it comes to pooping, I never thought that was a good idea, a lot of people on here do though which I totally respect.
Good luck hon
It is early on and should improve. I don't do metamucil as it increased my frequency. I've tried it several times, same result every time.
@New577 posted:In my case, given the spasms and diarrhea I am experiencing on a daily basis (although not 30 times a day) I am taking Imodium before breakfast, lunch and dinner and one before bedtime (this is GI doctor approved)
I am hoping that stopping the iv antibiotics (today is my last dose) will calm my GI tract down.
If I did not take 4 per day, I would have cramps and diarrhea every 15 to 30 minutes.
In my non medically trained humble opinion I am willing to trade diarrhea for constipation.
and btw, I still leak while I sleep, so nothing is perfect.
I hope you and I get relief from this shitty situation we are in 😧
If you are having spasms try nortriptyline.emily Parris talks about it in her one year jpouch video on YouTube at the 6 minute mark.
I find eating less or eating burgers help reduce trips but mainly it's down to less eating.worst for me is pizza and sometimes rice