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Hello out there. I just came home from hospital today after having my ostomy reversed (take-down). My J-pouch surgery was done in February 2014. Two weeks post op I started having problems with high fluid output and subsequent fluid, electrolyte and Magnesium imbalance. I made 4 trips through the emergency department for rehydration and electrolyte replacement; two were day trips and the other two were 5-day admissions. It got to the point where my surgeon needed to get the reversal done to prevent this from happening so he got me in though the "back door" and got the surgery done on Saturday between emergency cases. I live in Canada where our " free " healthcare results in very long waiting lists for procedures so anytime a doctor can circumvent the system works for me. Smiler Today is day 4 post-op and I am having significant pain still. There appears to be a lot of gas and bloating that makes me feel full and achy. I know this is normal but can anyone tell me how long it might last? The good news is that I have good control and less frequency than I was expecting. I think that things might get more frequent before getting better as my diet is increased. As long as I have the control I am not as much concerned about the frequency. On the advice of others from this Forum I have stocked up on softtoilet tissue and lots of good barrier cream.
Any readers out there from Nova Scotia?
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Not from NS, but had my J-Pouch in Ontario. Yay, Canada! Wink

Stick to a low-residue diet for now, and walk, walk, WALK. It will massively help with the gas and bloating. Drink plenty and walk. Oh, and be sure to walk. Seriously, the walking really helps. Warm compresses or a heating pad on low also helps with the cramps if you need that. It takes a different amount of time for everyone, but the major bloating and gas cramps were over for me in about 3 weeks; after a month I was bored and felt great so went back to work.

Hang in there!

Woah! I spoke too soon. I do great all day; no gas, no frequency, everything quite normal. The by supper time the gas starts. And I mean gas with gripping pain. It continues for the best part of the evening and then overnight is when my body expels the food waste from all day. I love the days but the evenings are hell and the nights are very sleep disruptive. Now my questions is this ..... is the gas problem something inherent with a J-pouch and something that I have to learn to manage and deal with long term or is it something that will eventually subside as my body adjusts to its new plumbing?
I am totally avoiding gas producing foods but I know I have to eat less and more often as well as eat slower and chew better. I have always had trouble with that but I am trying very hard.

Someone suggested Beano. Anyone had any experience with this?
Thanks for the comments. What you said about the Beano makes perfect sense. You asked if I was swallowing more air with my new super chewing. lol First I have to get there. My whole life I have been a very fast eater (comes from a lifetime career of having 30 minutes to complete a 60 minute job). I am trying very hard to slow down and chew but I guess I have further to go. Is it always going to be this way?
Kathy, it's pretty safe to say that however you're doing this soon after surgery, things will almost definitely change with time.

Definitely work on chewing and eating more slowly. It's good for everyone and will likely improve your gas situation. Make sure your mouth is closed while you're chewing and swallowing. Try to do smaller meals more frequently as well.
hi Had my pouch done in NS at the VG in 1986 now live in PEI. I have found I always have problems with gas ovoid most foods that will cause this like raw fruits and veg. NO pop and do nt use a straw. I found while on the toilet at the end of a BM lean to the right side an bear down it may help you release the gas. It is for sure a problem with most of us. Some are lucky to have no problems. Shawne

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