Hi there! So I had my j pouch surgery last week, and I’ve had some minor ups and downs that landed me back in the hospital. But all Is well and I’m back home now. My question is, when did everyone’s new normal kick in. I feel kind of lost, and would like to hear others’ experiences within the first few weeks after surgery. Thank you!
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Hi, welcome to the forum. It can definitely take longer than weeks, I think my normal feeling started about 4 weeks after the second surgery, although there was still adjusting to happen. Give it time and take it easy.
Hey Alyssamarie, my doc said it would take a full year to adapt to the jpouch. So the 'new normal' will evolve over months and months. That said, I was back at work (from home) less than two weeks after the final surgery, and was back to driving and going to work in less than four. I started walking the day of surgery (shuffling to the nurse station) and was mixing jogging with walking sometime in the third week. I recall being extra tired for several months, so do be patient with yourself.
@PouchLogic thank you!
Hi @girlunky , thank you!
Hello and welcome to the forum...I have my take down in December of last year..I am still adjusting to a lot of things...My first few weeks was ruff...It can emotionally drain you...i still have my breakdown moments...Pay attention to what you eat, make sure you are drinking plenty of water. You have to almost relearn your digestive system all over again. I had to adjust when I ate dinner due to me waking up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom. Eating earlier helps but I still have my nights when I have to go..But its different and will get better as you go. This forum has helped a lot. Sometimes its hard to explain what your going through to people who don't have a pouch. If you have questions feel free to ask and I will share my experiences and what has helped me. There are a lot of people on here also that will help where they can..Have a good one and stay safe!!!
HEY HEY HEY!!!!! Welcome! And CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!! Remember to stay hyrdated! at least a gallon of water a day! We all have been where you are and I promise it gets better
@Former Member posted:HEY HEY HEY!!!!! Welcome! And CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!
Remember to stay hyrdated! at least a gallon of water a day! We all have been where you are and I promise it gets better
So far its been almost 6 years and I am still learning about my pouch, you will start getting the hang of it in about close to a year. First few weeks for me was nothing but pain and taking it easy
I was pretty sick and had a three step surgery. It took over a year, and a lot of experimenting with different things, for things to feel “normal” for me. Months of 20+ trips to the bathroom. Fiber and Prilosec helped me a lot in the end (pun intended 😀).
I also had the three step - open surgery. At 6 months I was barely able to trust going away from the house. After that, things slowly got better and it took me a year to fully recover as well.