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I am 3 years post op and have had some bouts of pouchItis. The last few days I have had some pretty bad abdominal pain, bloating, and horrible gas pain. I have also has a fever and it even kind of is uncomfortable going to the bathroom. I was in ER last night and they did a cat scan and couldn't find anything. Calling my GI dr tomorrow. Just don't know what's wrong. Any ideas?

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Guess what, I've been in the hospital since Monday for the exact same thing. This is my second attack. I was very bad. The last time I ended up with adhesion surgery. They r now tourturing  me with all kinds of tests when I told them I had this 5 years ago. It also started with a pouchitis attack. Although better, not prefect, still have some pain and sickness Comes and goes. Not sure what other fun things they have planned for me. So far all tests are fine.  Also in addition to above had nauseau, dry heaves, extremely distended, had output not too much, bleaching and extreme angry gas. Usually when I have a blockage I get pin point stabbing pain but this was just sickness.

What is SIBO?


AllyKat - why did they do adhesion surgery?  I am also very nauceous but I have meds to take for it that help - otherwise I am sure I would be dry heaving.  The pain seems to be much worse at night, during the night and first thing in the morning.  Seeing my GI doctor tomorrow.  I feel very bloated.  I don't think I have a blockage because I am going to the bathroom. 

SIBO is small intestinal bacterial overgrowth. One of the prominent features is gas. It's generally treated with several months of an antibiotic (my GI used doxycycline). It can be tested for, but the test is far from perfect. Many GIs will treat based on symptom history.


The Search function on this site can help you find all the old posts on a topic like this.

Last edited by Scott F

Because 5 years ago I had the same thing and I could not eat. I was given a upper GI and some pockets of air were found. I don't know why they have not done this test but every other has come back normal. Adhesions normally don't show up on tests so they r trying to rule out e wry thing else before they go back in. I'm also starting to wonder if even though I have mild pouchitis it is great,y affecting me. So confused at the moment and 1 week and still no answers.

Abdominal pain in general seems to often present as diffuse, with folks just saying with a sweeping motion across the abdomen that they have pain there, or pointing to the umbilicus, that they just have pain "around here," in the middle. *Most* abdominal pain presents like that.  


Some abdominal pain presents as referred pain to other places (shoulder, back).  It's really unreliable that the pain presenting = the place where the problem is.


Case in point: daughter's colonoscopy showed skip lesions all around the colon, the colon sits in an upside down U shape in the abdomen, but she'd "always" point to her belly button area to show where her pain was. 


Pretty sure it's related to nerve pathways in the abdomen and how they run. 

Last edited by rachelraven

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