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Hi. I was on here a few weeks ago talking about a possible blockage but it cleared up,so that is good. My question is this: I took Flagyl last year and it helped but I started getting tingling and pins and needles in my feet and face and stopped it. It never went away, until I had J Pouch Revision on 8/21. I woke up and I didnt have any tingling for 3 and a half weeks. Then last Friday it started back up again. Its really bad in my nose(constant itching) and feet (feels like im walking on razors) . Why would it go away after surgery and then come back? Could it have been a hyrdation thing, as I was hyrdated well in the hospital? Im so confused and want to rid it for good. Thanks for any advice, Joe DiBella
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This certainly is an odd one. You'd think that the surgery did something to improve your nerve function, but that does not make a lot of sense, because it should not have returned, if that was the case. However, I wonder if the anesthesia meds had a positive effect, or like you mentioned, hydration. They always hydrate very well during surgery. You'd think they would check you for diabetes as part of the surgical work up, and they shouldn't keep that a secret from you (diabetic neuropathy is more of a late side effect after years of diabetes, not an early one). But, still, I wouldn't assume anything.

Regardless, this does sound like peripheral neuropathy, and it can come and go. I sure would ask for a neurologist referral to get to the bottom of it, even if it does come and go.

Jan Smiler
Ive been tested for all that. I really think its hydration related. I noticed my skin didnt need lotion the first 3 weeks after surgery either. Also my eyes have been really dry the last week or so. I wonder if my lack of hydration is just throwing all kinds of things out of wack. Any suggestions Jan on the ounced needed a day for a j poucher and any hydration secrets? I think I heard 100 ounces a day (Im 180 pounds) is recommended for no colon and my weight. Thanks
Like Scott said. There is no set number, and that will change as your body adapts over the years. But, once you find the amount that keeps you feeling normal, that is YOUR fluid need.

On the other hand, there could be something else going on too. Your eyes should not be overly dry, even when you are dehydrated. I have chronic dry eye that has become virtually unmanageable, and it started out as just occasional dryness. If these symptoms persist even though you are flooding yourself, then you need to be evaluated. Fluid and electrolyte disturbances from dehydration can cause neurological symptoms. But, sometimes there are hormonal imbalances that are causing the fluid and electrolyte disturbance, not just inadequate intake.

Jan Smiler
Could be Vit B or D issues. Also have Zinc and Copper checked. I saw a neurologist at CC. They thought HIV since the symptoms like the nerve pain and muscle spasms were a big sign for HIV. Still waiting on that result. Since I had a blood transfusion it is always possible.

So many things can cause issues but check with Vitamins first. Might not be Flagly related.

I also am getting a MRI because there could be upper spine damage that causes metabolic issues in the body.

If you are peeing clear you aren't dehydrated. Also if you think you are dehydrated, pinch the back of your hand, if the skin goes back fairly fast you are hydrated. If it stays pinched together then that is a sign of big time dehydration.

I too was on a Flagyl regimen through most of the mid to late 90's. I noticed tingling finger tips in the 2000's and currently have permanently tingling fingers and toes. I keep mentioning it to my Providers and they have nothing much to say about it except for vague references to my past Flagyl use. No other conditions have been identified to account for it. Frustrating.... Maybe I'm finally just getting old.

I have chronic dry eye and use Restasis for it, you might want to be tested by an ophthalmologist. My eyes got drier after the surgeries.

I went to foot doctors and rheumys etc. for years before I went to a neurologist regarding the tingling and numbness I had in my feet. If I were you I'd go to a neurologist first. I was diagnosed with permanent neuropathy but the good news was there is medication for the pins and needles feeling and at least I don't have to deal with it anymore. He does check my fingers as well. I hope your tingling is temporary!
Joe - nose-itching can be caused by anesthesia. It's maddening, indeed. I would think it would be over with this far out from surgery, but not sure about that. Did you have that symptom prior to the surgery?

The soles of my feet and palms of my hands have had a very "hot" feeling since I was on various antibiotics for a couple years. Not sure which one caused it, but suspect tindamax (similar to flagyl). The "heat" comes and goes - sometimes its there for months on end - and is nasty, verges on pain. I always had cold feet/hands and complained about that, now I'd give an arm and leg (ha) to get that cold feeling back.

Like MK, my doctors don't have much to say about it. I've been off all antibiotics for about 2 months now.
I'm taking 900, 300 3 times a day. I was on 300 like you. I've heard of some taking 3200 a day. I don't want to take that much but am just including that so you know it's not as high as it sounds. It it were something like prednisone we'd be thinking NO Way that's too much!

For everyone else, it all started out with things like cold feet, hot feet and hands, tingling, pins and needles etc. Then things got closer together and worse. Flagyl and antibiotics are not the cause of my neuropathy but I was questioned about my use of it and my GI is cautious about prescribing it for pouchitis. I can't take cipro because I get c.diff. I am in a fix.

Anyway, if it is bothering you please see a Rheumy to see if it's autoimmune and/or a neurologist in case it might get worse and they can do anything to stop or slow it down.

I don't remember is I said this above or not but I passed several nerve tests on the backs of my chins that should have caught the neuropathy and didn't. I was diagnosied by the old fashioned close my eyes and with a pin ***** vs a smooth end test. Later then did a needle test where needles were inserted into my leg and the natural electrical current was measured between the nerves. That was interesting to see the needle move on the paper, like a lie detector exam but it the electricity in my leg. Good news is I still have electrical current, bad news is it's not what it should be.

I didn't have to drink and prep or go on a special diet the day before either!

Yes, the dose range for Gabapentin is really broad, as you say, some above 2,000mg/d.

The tingling and numbness is really starting to get to me, some mornings it feels like my skin is burned? My feet feel like they have been scalded and it hurts to walk on them, it's crazy. This has all ramped up quite a bit recently but I haven't been on a steady diet of Flagyl for years so I'm hesitant to pin the blame there. Crohn's is a relatively new (last year or two, possibly longer undiagnosed) issue on my plate but I'm slowly acquiring some of the 'other' non-gut symptoms like extreme fatigue and joint pain and I wonder if this numbness, tingling, burning extremities problem is just another on the Crohn's list?

I will need to deal with it soon though, it's affecting how I'm moving and sleeping and everything else.

It's probably autoimmune but not IBD caused. I have neuropathy in my feet and the neurologist doesn't know what the cause it. Yes they burn, they get cold, sometimes it feels like I'm walking on marbles or broken glass, then are numb and all variations in-between. I have to use a cane when they are bad as I find it hard to balance. I'd suggest you see a neurologist. My problem was not caused by Flagyl, I just don't like to take it in case it could make it worse. You should check out with a Rheumatologist about your joints and all as there is a type of arthritis that is closely related to IBD, Jan Dollar can tell you more about that. Ain't all of this grand?

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