Hi everyone,
I am new here and in need of help. I had my total colectomy with jpouch created and loop ileostomy done on July 1, 2013. I have not been able to be reversed due to many complications. Cuffitis, pouchitis with bleeding,and very fast transit time. We have gotten the Cuffitis and pouchitis under control but can not get the diarrhea under control. I am so sad and frustrated. We have tried everything: Imodium, lomitil, codeine, pepto, tincher of opium but no luck. I can not drink without it going staight through me into the bag within minutes. It's really crazy. I am now thinking it's a food intolerance but can't figure out which food?? I prepare my food from whole food (nothing boxed)so I know what ingrediences I'm eating. I'm thinking its Fructose maybe since I'm also lactose intolerant so I am on the FODMAP diet right now. My Dr says he can't revere until we figure it out or I will not be able to handle the diarrhea in the Jpouch and have to go to the bathroom 20x a day. My output to the ileostomy is about 1500ml (mostly liquid) per day. Has anyone else had this problem? Also, how long did everyone wait to get reversal? It is now been 9 months for me. I'm scared if we have to keep waiting the jpouch won't work. Has anyone had terrible diarrhea and not been able to drink fluids and after reversal gotten better? Sorry so long. I'm just feeling so desperate.
Thanks, jeanie
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