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I'm 6 weeks past my j-pouch reversal op, and It is still sore (in my stomach) when I eat certain foods. Was wondering if that is normal? Also I'm finding it really hard telling the difference between gas and Bm's and its causing me to go to the toilet a lot more than I need to. As sometimes i get to the toilet and its just gas. Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated..thanks
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Blairisking, glad to hear you're on the road to recovery and back to a mostly normal life. You are still very fresh out from the surgery so it's definitely normal to still have some discomfort in the stomach and bottom. The difference between the gas and bm is a learning experience. It will take some time for you to continue to adjust to your newly functioning JPouch. Your diet is one of the most important things as is your activity level and attitude. Try to eat things that give you bulk and stay away from fried greasy foods or foods that are very spicy etc. Introduce things again slowly as well. Doctors try to tell us to be careful with the roughage but I found that a little bit of roughage each day actually aids in our new motility and functioning of the pouch. If you have problems, stick with simple bland foods like rice, creamy peanut butter, bananas, oatmeal, bland fish or chicken, well cooked carrots that are mushy, etc.

I'm still in my first year as well as I had my takedown in May 2012. The best thing I can tell you is to take one day at a time and listen to your body. Urges to go the bathroom will be abundant in the next few months as you learn to partially command control over the pouch itself. By that, I mean you'll start to notice that on certain days, you tell yourself that you can't use the restroom for several hours because of work or a meeting, shopping, etc. You will learn to basically mold your bowel movement schedule to certain times of the day and be able to hold many of the urges in, at least for a short period until you absolutely need to empty the pouch. In this sense, it's possible to somewhat train your JPouch to fit your schedule or lifestyle. There are exceptions and certain days that will be tougher than others. But if the pouch functions as it should, things will get easier for you and you'll also have a better idea of telling the difference between gas and an actual urge to poop. Good luck and welcome to the JPouch family.
I'm over 10 years post takedown and once in awhile I experience the sensation of needing to have a b.m. when what I find is gas only. I am glad I visited the toilet at these times because I'd rather be safe than sorry. Thank God it doesn't happen that often anymore! Sounds like you are doing very well. Usually I can tell the difference between just gas or needing to actually have a b.m. You will also. It just takes awhile!
Eventually, you will figure out how to pass gas without crapping yourself. Practice at home. Smiler

It will take time for your system to figure things out again. . .I'm 4 years post takedown.

Give it a few months and things start working like your old plumbing. Except for me, when I get the urge to urinate, I have to go RIGHT NOW. Other than that, things are normal.

6 weeks out, you might have just moved back to normal food (no more low residue diet). Just adds food back to your diet slowly to figure out which ones give you gas.

Eventually, you should be able to eat anything, but right now your pouch hasn't expanded much and a little gas probably does feel like BM.

A bit rambling of a message, but hopefully it makes some sense.

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