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If Dr. Hull is out of town and you do not want to wait, then maybe see if Dr Meagan Costedio at the Clinic can see you and recommend someone. She was not my surgeon, but she came highly recommended by my GI and I was very impressed with her care towards her patients when I was going through my surgeries last year.
How cool we both are probably going to have the same doctor! I am about an hour and 15 minutes away from Cleveland and Hillcrest. Is that where you are seeing her? Is she your only ob because I haven't seen her yet but they told me she is high risk. I'm seeing my local ob for first appt next week and then I guess deciding between him and then Dr Perni when I see her a few weeks later. That is awesome that a colorectal surgeon will be on call. Where are you delivering? Which Cleveland clinic hospital is the best for labor and delivery?
I had my pouch surgery at Cleveland clinic and dr fazioFazio was my surgeon. He recommended at the time for Gi follow up Dr. Bo Shen. When I became pregnant with my twins they recommended seeing Dr. benito alverez at the clinic as well. He was amazing as a no gym and delivered my babies section knowing of the pouch and haing a colorectal surgeon in house if need be just in case. He was very well educated with this pouch procedure. I believe he moved to an Akron hospital which I was just told when I tried to make an appt with him her in Cleveland not long ago. He is an amazing dr and I highly recommend him.
Dr. Moodley in Fairview delivered both of my kids. He took me on as a patient too so that I didnt have to see a regular OB at the same time.