Oh Tom... I so enjoy reading your posts and am truly sorry that you are dealing with depression on top of all this. I lived with severe clinical depression on and off for many years, so I can definitely relate. I can't imagine still dealing with it in addition to everything else we are going through. I feel for you. (((hugs)))
The only drug that worked for me in the past (for my depression, ADD, lethargy, and overeating - 4 birds with one stone) I definitely wouldn't recommend for your situation because it is basically prescription cocaine with all the same side-effects. However, a man I dated and lived with for five years had both depression and anxiety, and Lexapro worked wonders for him. He was calm, rational, positive, and much easier to live with when he was on it. I can't say what drug you should take, but it is one you could ask your doctor about or look into.
My personal feelings on the entire matter is that in most cases medication is good for getting through specific difficult times (like what you're currently going through with surgery and major life/body changes), but that ultimately the underlying root of the depression needs to be addressed and dealt with or you'll be living with it forever. I have gone through all of this myself, and I have actually cured my depression... quite successfully I might add. Like I said, I dealt with severe clinical depression since adolescence, but over time I was eventually able to kick it to the curb. For the past several years I have been very happy and at peace... even through disease and surgery. I'd love to discuss this further with you and help in any way I can. Please email me if you're interested in starting a dialogue or just want someone to talk/vent to who understands. My email address is listed in my profile.
Either way, I'm forever grateful we all have each other on this forum. If it weren't for you all here and the forum I frequent over at
Healing Well, I would feel very much alone. No one else truly understands what we are going through.