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hey there,
seems the last week or so I get a tennis ball size lump about 2 or 3 inches above my belly button about 10 min. after eating... have had this happen many times as a 1 time "blockage" occurrence but not something that happens every time I eat...
how would a doc be able to diagnose this and how does it get corrected....not really painful just - more like a 3 or 4 on a 1 to 10 scale. does cause some bouts of felling nauseous as well...
thanks for any help
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Although adhesions don't come and go, their effects do. Many adhesion-associated problems come from the intestine moving while part of it gets trapped by an adhesion, and thus can't move along with the adjacent bowel. This can cause pulling, kinks, twists, etc. When the adjacent bowel moves back within range of the trapped part, the tension relaxes. It may help to visualize a load in the clothes dryer when part of a garment (e.g. a string) doesn't tumble with the rest of the garment. The bowel doesn't rotate quite so much as that, but it does like to squish around.

The small intestine moves around more than you might expect. It's normally attached to the back wall of the abdomen, although in a very loose, fan-like way (about 23 feet of small intestine are surprisingly attached to about 6 inches of the rear of the abdomen). Adhesions will commonly attach intestine to the front wall of the abdomen, or attach two parts of the intestine together, with ropy or band-like scar tissue.

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