hello everyone
this is ashwini ..i went thru jpouch surgery in 2008
recently i wqs diagnosed with hydrosalpinx of the left tube
eoc has recommended essure procedure .
i read lotta posts on internet abt sideeffects of the essure n m terrified to get it done.
i m not comfortable having a foreign body inside me hanging in my uterus and also u cannot remove it if you have sideeffects..its irreversible and to remove it oneite need hysterectomy.
reading all this had scared me but my Re thinks due to jpouch surgery doing laproscoic tubal litigation is a greater risk and can damage the jpouch
will there be a lot of scarring inside ? i did my jpouch surgery laproscopically in 2steps. wasnt tht suppose to cause less scarring ? then why my Re thinks its a.big risk ?
i m so devasted...i am 32and dont hv any kids yet.
does anyone have any exp regarding this ?
thanks for listening
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