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If it's only been a week, it's quite possible that you have a mild gastrointestinal virus.  While these illnesses are frequently associated with diarrhea, that is not always the case.  Viruses such as these usually run their course in 3-4 days, but sometimes run 7-10.


However, stomach cramps/nausea can also be a sign of low sodium. If it persists, this may be something to have checked. If the nausea happens shortly after eating, it is also possible this is a gallbladder issue, though that is more often associated with right upper quadrant pain that nausea specifically.


It's doubtful that this is a partial obstruction if you have otherwise had no changes in your BM frequency. Usually the first sign of an obstruction is pain and reduced or zero BMs. Nausea is generally a secondary symptom, though it is indicative of a more severe obstruction.


One other thing - if you are taking any new meds or supplements, this may be causing the issue and you may have to discontinue.


I would suggest drinking plenty of water and perhaps trying some Pepto Bismol to see if your stomach settles.  If it does not within the next 24 hours, it would hurt to call your doctor for some advice.

Last edited by Spooky

Well, it now Jan 6th and I still have this very mild nausea. I had annual followup with Shen at end of November and mentioned it to him and he stated if continues I should have a gastro grafin xray to rule out any narrowing at the connection site. I really don't want to get it but I might have to. NO PAINS OR CHANGE IN BATHROOM HABITS, alittle more noise than usual after eating though

Last edited by Pouchomarx

well I was hoping to stay away from hospital this  . whats one more test is right but new deductible year and I'm sure it wont be cheap. already thousands in medical debt. I emailed Shen on Thursday asking him if it could be anything else but have not heard from him. I am still eating fine and pooping fine but just with the mild nausea and rumblings..

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