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Wondering if anyone can help me out. I get nausea and diarrhea daily. The episode usually lasts for two hours and then it's over. Some days I don't get it and on rare occasions I get it twice in a day. Rarely I vomit as well. This has been going on for months. I had my take down a year ago. Diarrhea at the end of the episode is yellow and looks like stomach bile.  I've had blood tests stool test etc no problems from a medical perspective. I went to a natriopath 2 months ago and did a fecal and blood test with him. This test showed yeast in my gut and a sensitivity to certain foods. I've been on a diet of no wheat, dairy, sugar and alcohol. Although initially I saw a lot of improvement I've seemed to revert to the problem again.  I have a great appetite I'm male and 51 years young, active and other than this things are great. I had my colon removed due to fap and cancer. Never had any gut problems before in my life. I keep a food diary and can't find any consistent causes. I have a GI appointment later this month. I'd prefer to hear from people that have solved this problem, not suggestions. Thanks. 

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