With all my medical issues in the past and current. My world has basically just fell apart. My wife is more than 99.9% she wants to move on without me. It has been a struggle mentally,physically, and financially on my family. We have talked and she gave me numerous times to try and fix myself mentally and I guess I never took it seriously enough. I have been checked out since my surgeries over 4 years ago. I have just never dealt with the anger and depression from it all. My wife and I have basically been roomates for the past 2 years. I have never been there for her and always put myself before her. I would try and change but always reverted back without really realizing I was doing it again. I have never physically or mentally abused my wife. I have never cheated or thought of cheating on her, ever. I love her so much and never wanted to be a statistic. We are so different in everything, always have been, but we loved each other. We have tried marriage counselling a few times but we stopped due to financial issues and not agreeing on stuff. We have 2 small daughters together and my oldest is 6 and has alot of anxiety and temper issues already. Her and I butt heads all the time and sometimes think she really doesnt like me. She was daddys girl and we were inseperable up until my surgeries where i spent months in the hospital. It has never been the same between us. My heart breaks thinking about how we used to be. My wife says she loves me but mentally she is pretty much done with me,my wife,not my daughter. She is pretty confident those feelings of us being together will never come back. She has told me many times in the past that something needs to be done or she will leave. I guess i never really believed her, because I know she loves me.And I believe she still does, she just wants more and I could never give it to her emotionally.My kids will be so messed up if they know we are not together anymore. I dont want them blaming themselves and thinking they did this. They are so fragile this young. I have appt with family physician tomorrow to try and get a referral for a counseler that i can talk with. I am not a church goer but I think I need to talk with a priest as well. I should have done all this before, but never did. I dont know what to do right now.? I have been crying all day at work and my hands trembling really bad. Feels like somebody kicked me in the stomach as hard as they could. I am sick, i feel like throwing up non stop. I have nobody to talk to, i try and talk to my wife, but she pretty much has her mind made up and says she wont feel sorry for me any longer. It hurts so bad cuz I dont see any feelings from her. She said she has tried for so long to make me aware of my downfalls and things i needed to do, but i ignored all of it, and does not believe i will ever change. I will admit, I am a lousy husband and have no real clue of how to raise children. My wife is in the child industry , so knows alot more than i do. I just dont relate, and I always say or do the wrong thing. My world has changed and i am not sure I can go on. Not sure I can work with this on my plate. I love and miss my family. They are my everything and its over. 

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