Hello J-Pouch Community,
I am thankful that you guys are out there! Even my surgeon doesn't seem to have many answers (he has never had one afterall).
Yesterday was my first day home from the hospital from my ileostomy take down. I was very positive, both feeling good from the drugs and happy I only needed one night in the hospital.
I woke up from my very first nap and already soiled the bed. I was pretty crushed and started reading some of the boards in this community. I feel a little overwhelmed... why did I think that things would be easier? Tell me it gets better. (I've already started implementing the information I've been reading on here and had a more successful night).
Next week I am already facing my first trip with my new set up. Cancun! (i have no reservations about Mexico but I know people take a lot of precaution to prevent illness). Any tips for a newby to jpouch travel? Also in a couple of weeks I'll be in Europe (where a bathroom is not always close by). I plan on taking plenty of depends. Anything else?