Hello Nicki

My June 15th surgery went well. Dr. Remzi said he is hopeful that it was successful. It was a difficulty 8 of 10 and was luckily able to fix the s-pouch created by the first surgery so I didn't lose anymore intestine. They did find another abcess and removed it. In about 5-6 weeks I'll have a leak test to see how things turned out. Im normally on H51 side and I love the nurses. They're awesome

I currently still have 25 staples and 2" longer incision than the first time. Just is extended south towards my pelvis more. Had a Vac dressing on as well. That hurt when it came off. Sore and hair..
First off, if you have the pain med, then I would recommend using it at a reasonable amount. You have it for a reason and there is no point in torturing yourself more than you have too. Mushroom drains suck and I'm sorry you have to deal with it for that long. Hopefully it'll be shorter! My first drain hurt so bad. The second was a pain but oddly didn't cause as much trouble.
As for eating and pain, I'm not exactly sure. The only thing I thought I would notice is drainage after I ate but my intestine is diverted... So it doesn't make sense to me to make my mushroom drain more active. I did end up having a structure and the more the s-pouch filled (bowel sweat) or whatever it hurt bad! Mushroom helped relieve pain yet create its own pain.
Jeffsmom!! Dianne
When I came out of surgery I had a JP drain as well. It came out the side of my lower stomach though. Stung bad when I peed. I don't know why! It's out now so I'm grateful I didn't have it long. I can't imagine having it in my back that long!:/
Thanks everyone,