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This past 1-2 years I've been struggling with pouchitis, frequency diagnosed with IPS, a new Crohns diagnosis and now two Fistulas with abscesses. I came to CC to see Dr. Shen after both doctors I have seen in the past had no ideas to help me. He found both Fistulas and cleaned some of the abscess up with hydrogen peroxide and injection of doxycycline.
Tomorrow, I'm having an EUA with an insertion of a mushroom catheter. Dr. Strong at CC will be doing my surgery. He stated that this just a temporary fix, but he will not know much until he is in there. He said that will have to have my jpouch taken out and create a new anastomoses site. I will have a temporary illeostomy and then another takedown after they remove the Fistulas and cleaned up the infection. Has anyone else had this done?
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