Hi all, I'm new to the forumbut have had FAP since birth.
I'm 28 atm and 20 years ago I had most of the large bowel removed, they kept an 8cm lining left and stitched it to the rectum cuff.
My diet has always been a fiber restrictive diet which has worked great with a perfect balance for stool.
Now I've had a mucosectomy on that little lining 5 days ago, got discharge the same day with no advice
I'm using paracetamol and ibuprofen for painkillers and to help with the swollen rectum etc.
So far I cannot sleep as I get a constipated feeling at night, my guess is the swelling inside is restricting the rectum tube. I take lactulose in the morning to clear out my bowel each day.
Any suggestions, tips etc?
Many thanks
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