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I’d get it in a heartbeat. There’s not a shred of evidence that the vaccine is riskier for us than the general population. There’s not even a theoretical reason for us to be extra concerned. While no vaccine is perfectly safe, neither is working in a hospital. In order to keep a hospital environment as safe as possible for the patients and the staff it’s very important that the staff be vaccinated as soon as they can be.

In light of all the health care workers dead of Covid, I would get it. My understanding is it's no different than flu and shingles vaccines, both of which I got with my GI's approval even though I am on Remicade. In fact, in the past 3 months I had 4 vaccines:

1. Flu

2. Shingrex part 1

3. Pneumonia booster

4. Shingrex part 2

I had flu and Shingrex 1 the same day one after the other in the same shoulder.

I had the Shingrex part 2 last week so I will need to wait at least 30 days before getting any Covid vaccine. My pharmacist said patients have a lot more problems (local) with Shingrex 2 than Shingrex 1, but in my case was the same. Arm was sore for a day or two, nothing major.

Last edited by CTBarrister

To all:

Please get your vaccine information from your doctor and the CDC. I have edited all of Lauren’s posts. We have enough misinformation on the internet already without it spreading here. The vaccine has gone through the usual safety and quality control measures. Remember, more people died in the last day from COVID-19 than died on D-Day in WWII.


Last edited by Jan Dollar

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