The constipation that started last summer has not resolved, so I had an MRI defecography today. Because I read alll the Jpouch Forum posts about the procedure and found them helpful, I wanted to post a few "next time" notes before those thougthts disappear from mind.
First note: Type of approach: As is noted in some of our forum posts, there are different ways to do this test. If I had it to do over, I would have called every possible place in Seattle and surrounding areas to see I could find a radiology center that had the commode approach for the test. Today's MRI defecography location in downtown Seattle at a specialty radiology clinic required me to lie on my back in the MRI machine. I tried with all my mightiest might, but nothing came out when they instructed me to try to poop. They had me try 7 different times and even though I strained as hard as I possibly could every time, nuttin'. Maybe the "no poop" is because of a mechanical problem that will show up in my results, but maybe not. It sure seemed weird to test me in a position I will never be in while pooping in real life. Might the test results only prove that I can't poop while lying flat on my back with my arms at my side in an MRI tube? Sheesh. Anyway, I hope to see results sometime next week. Maybe they got what they needed by seeing other images.
Second note: After it was over, I asked if their radiology specialty center performed many MRI defecographies a year. The tech said, uh, no, maybe 2 or 3. A year. If that. Oh. My. Gosh. Why did my GI doc refer me there?
Third note: Jpouch knowledge: When I arrived at my appt, they asked all the usual MRI questions about possible metals in one's body. I told the tech I had no metal in my body, but I also have no large intestine. He replied "How can you not have a large intestine???" Maybe I should have cut bait and run right there. He went off to ask the radiologist (whom I never saw or spoke to) and returned to assure me it would be no problem, we can do the test.
4th note: I was anxious before the test because it was new and I have had some whopper bad luck with new tests. But if I ever need to do this test again I won't be anxious. It went quickly, nothing hurt, I learned a lot and hopefully there will be useful information gained.
Thank you to all who posted about their defecography experiences on this forum. I don't know anyone with a jpouch "in real life", but you are here, big time, and I don't know how I'd manage this adventure without you.
Cheers to all,