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The constipation that started last summer has not resolved, so I had an MRI defecography today. Because I read alll the Jpouch Forum posts about the procedure and found them helpful, I wanted to post a few "next time" notes before those thougthts disappear from mind. 

First note: Type of approach: As is noted in some of our forum posts, there are different ways to do this test. If I had it to do over, I would have called every possible place in Seattle and surrounding areas to see I could find a radiology center that had the commode approach for the test. Today's MRI defecography location in downtown Seattle at a specialty radiology clinic required me to lie on my back in the MRI machine. I tried with all my mightiest might, but nothing came out when they instructed me to try to poop. They had me try 7 different times and even though I strained as hard as I possibly could every time, nuttin'. Maybe the "no poop" is because of a mechanical problem that will show up in my results, but maybe not. It sure seemed weird to test me in a position I will never be in while pooping in real life. Might the test results only prove that I can't poop while lying flat on my back with my arms at my side in an MRI tube? Sheesh. Anyway, I hope to see results sometime next week. Maybe they got what they needed by seeing other images.

Second note: After it was over, I asked if their radiology specialty center performed many MRI defecographies a year. The tech said, uh, no, maybe 2 or 3. A year. If that. Oh. My. Gosh. Why did my GI doc refer me there?

Third note:  Jpouch knowledge: When I arrived at my appt, they asked all the usual MRI questions about possible metals in one's body. I told the tech I had no metal in my body, but I also have no large intestine. He replied "How can you not have a large intestine???" Maybe I should have cut bait and run right there. He went off to ask the radiologist (whom I never saw or spoke to) and returned to assure me it would be no problem, we can do the test.

4th note: I was anxious before the test because it was new and I have had some whopper bad luck with new tests. But if I ever need to do this test again I won't be anxious. It went quickly, nothing hurt, I learned a lot and hopefully there will be useful information gained.

Thank you to all who posted about their defecography experiences on this forum. I don't know anyone with a jpouch "in real life", but you are here, big time, and I don't know how I'd manage this adventure without you.

Cheers to all,


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Hi Jane, I'm sorry you went through this and hope you do find some answers. I always found these functional tests a bit unhelpful particularly when not performed under realistic conditions. i've had a few defecographies and they were all on a cammode though with the exception of one, they used contrast material that was so thick I would have never been able to expel it. Regardless of the sitting position it was just too thick and sticky.  I felt like you did during anal manometry testing with the balloon. I was thinking who could possible expel this balloon when lying on their side on an exam table with 2 people watching/measuring everything . I certainly couldn't but at least I learned there were no paradoxical contractions. Just couldn't relax enough to expel--I would never be able to have a BM in that situation even with a colon! I wish you the best and any answers the testing can provide.

@Pouch2021 Thanks for your comments, they are truly helpful and I appreciate your taking the time to post. I am sorry you have had more than one defecography, but your experience and willingness to post provided me with new info - there is more than one kind of paste. That's helpful to know. And thank you for the other test comments. If yesterday's test doesn't yield any "aha" information, next up on my dance card is the anal manometry test in early January. After yesterday's abysmal experience, when I couldn't expel even a teeny tiny bit of paste, it seems unlikely I could expel a balloon!

Cheers to you and thanks again,


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