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Hi!  I’ve noticed taking small amounts of salt tablets (close to 250mg but up to 500mg max/day total) has a profound positive effect on my life - much more energy & mental focus, no cramps, I can sleep 8h/night vs needing 9-10h.  I coat the tablet piece in honey or jelly so it doesn’t touch my mouth (if I eat salt from a shaker my teeth/gums become irritated over time; don’t want my gums to recede), follow with a glass of water (& drink a lot t/o day) and then drink a little milk bc I think the pH is neutral/believe milk is good for teeth & gums.  After 2.5 months I had to stop bc of oral ulcers I was trying to avoid (I tried salt & salt pills a year & a half ago without coating them and had to stop after a month).  Within 2 days of stopping salt my ulcers were gone.  I started the salt again recently (have just been so tired) & the ulcers came back after 4 days.  The aphthous ulcers are red & mostly appear on the roof of my mouth by the gumline.  I noticed one today on the outer bottom gum.  The back roof of my mouth, tongue & gums feel so strange, hard to describe, maybe feeling swollen/numb/metallic.  After a month of salt tabs my CMP/B12 levels were fine, have no other symptoms.  My PCP, GI specialist (I’ve never had ulcers accompany flare ups w UC & I don’t have pouchitis/feel fine), husband who is an immunologist & an oral medicine specialist haven’t seen this oral pattern (even among POTS patients who take a lot more salt). Does anyone have a similar experience or can offer an explanation? Thank you so much!!

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