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Anyone successfully clean out their stomach and j-pouch for a sigmoidoscopy involving stomach, duodenum/jejenum/pouch lining etc scope/view?


Veteran poucher here (2001, jpouch constructed, 1-step procedure)


how much milk of magnesia is more than adequate enough to be safe for a full bowel cleanse protocol, how much is enough to take the evening before the procedure? I will do a full liquid diet 1 day prior to the exam


my dr just okayed the milk of magnesia when i asked him in e-mail. The scope is for Mid/second part of October 2015. Obviousily, ive never experimented with milk of magnesia or i would not be asking this question if i knew how much is required to be enough to take for people like us, jpouch in tow etc.


i thought the milk of mag. is more palatable/tolerable than the other junk like miralax and some of the other preps, easier than mag citrate as well (unless you can mix the citrate to cheat a bit with another liquid that wont stain the intestine red or whatever so dr can get a good view).


thanks for any/all replies in advance. I will be watching this thread for responses.



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Let me tell you "my" experience and how I clean out............I don't take ANY M.O.M. or Mag Citrate at all..........if my scopes are in the morning, I simply do a low residue diet the day before, ceasing eating at all about 5pm and nothing but water until about Mayo doctor's know this and have always said I'm clear as can be......on both ends.


We really don't need that, IF you have a J Pouch..........I have the double effect in that I have a J Pouch and no duodenum and my transit time is quite fast, so it really doesn't stay around long.


I do NOT eat red meat at all the day before, with maybe only a Ham/Turkey sandwich at lunch.......not any seafood either.


Just my $.02

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