Hi guys, this is my first post. I have been referred to a surgeon because of multiple colon polyps (~60 across 5 colonoscopies), and we are currently considering our surgery options of subtotal colectomy, j-pouch, or ileostomy. We are leaning toward the subtotal, but I'm hoping I can hang out here and ask questions since there isn't a dedicated forum for sub totals.
- I'm currently active duty military. Is there anyone else out there that has been through a medical board after this surgery? I suspect my days in the field are over, but I'm not sure if they will let me stay in the military and just work staff jobs.
- I spend a lot of time flying small aircraft and can often need to go without a restroom for 2-4 hours. I know that outcomes of these surgeries vary significantly, but is there a decent chance that I could functionally return to flying someday? I could certainly adjust diet to help, but I don't think that the FAA will allow drugs outside of Imodium.
Thanks for any help that you can offer!