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About 6yrs ago they found a 'lump' under my liver that was tender and Doc freaked out and sent me for a scan. My radiologist discovered that my right kidney had 'migrated ' up to my liver and was snuggling up behind and beside it.
Was told that they didn't know how or why but that it can happen, it just 'is' and that it would migrate back to its original spot without any problem.
With this last occlusion they did a scan and found that it was still there, taking over the spot where my galbladder used to be and was somewhat enlarged.
It is very sensitive and tender to the touch. (I guess that you are not supposed to be touching your kidneys.)
The whole area has been painful since the occlusion and the doctor still cannot touch me there without my screaming...the rest of my belly is fine, no pain. Just that spot.
Could someone please tell me if you have ever heard of this happening? Why does it happen? Could it be that things got shifted around in there during surgery?
Is it supposed to hurt so much? Can it cause any problems being up there? Doens't it pull on the canal or duct or whatever is anchoring it or were it is leading to?
I wouldn't really care (haven't really thought much about over the years) but now it is very painful. Feels like my galbladder grew back and it taking its revenge.
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I have heard of kidneys being in unusual positions at birth, but not migrating in adult life, unless there was surgical intervention. The kidneys are anchored by renal fascia and surrounding structures. So, for a kidney to migrate, the fascia either has to be cut or damaged. Since your internal anatomy has been vastly altered by resection of the intestines, reconstruction and repair, either option is not beyond imagination. If your fascia was already weak, damaged, or gone, then if the blood and nerve supply and ureters were long enough, it could move to where it currently is. If adhesions set in, then there it would stay.

Didn't you tell us that you have a connective tissue disorder? If so, that could also contribute to your inability to repair damaged fascia.

I don't know if any of this applies to you, but it is the only thing I can think of. The kidneys aren't that low anyway normally, and are near the liver border to begin with (at least on the right side). But, they normally lie retroperitoneally, meaning behind the peritoneum, next to the back muscles and protected by the rib cage, so it is not like it had to move that much to be where the gallbladder was. They are not normally in the pelvis or near your bladder.

The pain is another story. It may or may not be related to your kidney. Could be stones, as they would hurt the same no matter where your kidney was located. As long as you are making urine fine, with no bleeding into your urine, you are OK. But, since the kidney is enlarged, you probably need some screening tests for kidney disease.

Jan Smiler
Thanks Jan,
No, I have no problem urinating...intake-output is just fine...I drink a lot, mostly only filtered water or tea and my scan showed no stones but the kidney is really enlarged...Yes, I have Dheler's-Danlos so that would explain the connective tissue problem. It is the length of all of the urethrea that confounds me...does it stretch?
No one tells me the was never noticed before 2008 and I have had tons of scans in my life...I had just figured that it shifted or was pushed out of the way during the round of surgeries on my pouch in 2007 and that they were too busy to notice.
When my physiotherapist tries to put the hip back in he puts his hand there...and I scream. (I usually tollerate pain very well),...not sure if the occlusion maybe caused a problem, I was NPO and heaving for over 24hrs...dehydration could have upset it???? I know nothing about these things except that kidneys filter fluids, push out urine and collect stones. No stones, urine fine.
My surgeon needs to go back in one last time to re-anchor my pouch...can he put my kidney back where it belongs?
Would he bother?
I am only concerned that it hurts...I don't have a nephrologist but maybe I could just ask my GP to do some bloodwork to check. There is no visible blood in the urine so I am not alarmed, just uncomfortable.
thanks for the response Jan
I just decided to check this out on the internet and found out that it is more common than I thought...what I read has me a bit freaked out...aparently there are a basketful of other congenital deformities that come with the Migrating kidney...and I have at least 4 or them! Scoliosis, hemivertebreae, bicornuate uterus, hypoplasia plus all of my other problems...I wonder if this is all part of one big thing that no one has ever bothered to diagnosis???

From the pediatric Urology site:
"The contralateral kidney is abnormal in as many as 50% of patients . Contralateral renal agenesis occurs in 10%. Additional malformations of the cardiovascular, respiratory, genital or skeletal systems are common , . Skeletal anomalies are most commonly scoliosis and hemivertebrae. Genital malformations in females including duplication of the vagina, bicornuate uterus and hypoplasia or agenesis of the uterus or vagina may cause problems during menstruation, conception, and pregnancy. The most common genital anomalies in males are hypospadias and cryptorchidism."

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