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A lady I work with takes it for RA, and has good results with little side effects.

My daughter takes it in tandem with her Humira, because they use it's immunomodulating effects to help the body not make antibodies against the Humira. She has Crohn's colitis and IBD related sacroiliitis, and the combo of Humira and MTX are working well for her. She has had no side effects from the MTX - it is taken once a week, she takes 8mg of Zofran around 7:30pm on Saturday, and then around 8:30-9pm, she takes her 10mg of MTX, and goes to bed.

Her Crohn's and arthritis are currently in remission.

I do know that alcohol and MTX are not a good idea to mix together.
My daughter had arthritis symptoms years before the IBD flare. Her bloodwork was never consistent with an arthritis picture.

My husband has psoriatic arthritis, and his bloodwork is also not "picture perfect" for his diagnosis, has a few markers +, but most are (-), but based on his whole clinical picture, his rheumatologist treats him with Enbrel, and he's done well.

My sister in law also has sero-negative spondylitis, and doesn't have a "classic" lab picture. She is on Humira.

Daughter had an MRI that showed enthesitis and sacroiliitis... That's where her first dx came from, not labs.

I seem to know more people with arthritis who DON'T have wonky labs than DO.

I think that TNF meds do not need stopped for surgery (I know someone who recently was on Humira, etc. who needed bowel surgery) ... If you have arthritis, and it's unbearable, you could ask about them.

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