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I've been experimenting for a while with Metamucil and Konsyl. I found that the Metamucil capsules didn't mix well enough with stool (at least not in my gut), and I avoid artificial sweeteners like poison. That left sugary Metamucil, in powder or biscuit form. I used that for years, but didn't really want to consume so much sugar. Konsyl is a more "concentrated" source of soluble fiber, but as several folks have pointed out here it's pretty close to sawdust.


For the past few months I've been mixing half Metamucil powder/half Konsyl. It's working quite well, and has reduced the negatives of either alone: half the sugar, half the sawdust. I've been pleased with the results and I'm going to keep mixing the two together. YMMV.

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My son uses acacia powder for fiber. we buy 100% acacia  from Renew. I put it in capsules for him so he doe snot have to drink it.


100% Organic Acacia Fiber Powder for Flavor-free Mixing

  • Supports bowel regularity, weight loss & overall health‡
  • 5 grams organic acacia fiber per serving
  • Flavor-free, grit-free
  • Will not thicken or gel
  • Psyllium-free, gluten-free
  • Sugar-free, diabetic-friendly

For my son, the acacia helps make bowel movements formed. It has made a huge difference for my son in that way!  I think the "will not thicken"  which I cut and pasted from web is referring to the texture of drinking the acacia.  My son won't drink it anyway. I put it in size 00 capsules and he takes 5 at breakfast, 5 after school and 5 before bed. 

I made a bit of a discovery today about Konsyl that can make it *much* more palatable. I ordered a few bottles from the manufacturer, and they enclosed a plastic cup with a lid, with a label saying "Shaken, not stirred." It turns out that vigorous shaking really mixes the Konsyl well, substantially better than any amount of stirring. It no longer seems like sawdust. I'm still mixing it 50:50 with sweetened Metamucil.


I presume that any shaker will do, as long as you have a leakproof lid.

Last edited by Scott F

I mix together a half-dose of each (based on the recommended doses of Metamucil and Konsyl on the labels). I fussed a bit the first time to carefully measure a half-dose of each (using a digital kitchen scale), so I could see how the right amounts looked in my kitchen spoons (kitchen spoons are all different sizes). This makes the daily measurement easy and quick.


The shaking (rather than stirring) mixing method is so effective I might try switching to all Konsyl, instead of the mixture, to further decrease the sugar, but I'll use up my Metamucil supply in any case.

Metamucil had been working for years then it stopped. My surgeon switched me to Konsyl but it does not seem to be holding me either. I'm in peri-menapause so not sure if my system is changing. I've always taken one rounded teaspoon mixed in water 1/2 in am and 1/2 in pm. Everything has liquified. Was wondering if the capsules would work better for firming up the stool. Anyone have any suggestions? Very frustrated

Jewel ~ UCI,  complete colectomy with jpouch 2010 

I have tried others and nothing seems to work well. I was wondering if there was to much liquid and not enough fiber? Like you suggested a larger dose may be it. I also started taking VSL once a week due to a small episode of pouchitis. Had to be on an antibiotic for a week so that messed up my system and has not been right since. Thanks for suggestions.


Jewel ~UC  Complete colectomy with J-pouch 2010

I don't remember hearing about Konsyl before.  I never heard of it.  I'm open to trying it.  Metamucil is god awful stuff when it comes to taste.  It's overpriced too even when I buy it as a storebrand at Walmart.   Taking it in capsule form never works too, unless maybe you swallowed 50 of them. 

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