I'd really like to hear from recently pregnant women with a J pouch - how did you handle pregnancy? Did you have any problems/pain/complications?
I had a total colectomy at 20, followed by a J pouch five months later. I'm now 39 and want to have children, but didn't realise the suppressed trauma I had from the surgeries. I've had bouts of pouchitis every year and have been hospitalised in the last few years for a twisted bowel and gastroenteritis, as well as 3 DVTs (blood clots). I'm on blood thinners and would need to switch from pills to a daily injection once I'm pregnant.
Despite all my health issues, I'm very fit & healthy and Gastroenterologists and doctors have given me the all clear for pregnancy. I know that I can choose to have a vaginal birth or C-section, but I'm afraid of both. I'm worried about pressure on my pouch during the pregnancy, tearing with a v birth and being opened back up again for a C section.
I would appreciate your honest stories to help me with my fear. My husband and I would like nothing more than to start a family.