First, remember that this is a public forum and it may not be the greatest idea to let everyone have your personal email...Most of us are really nice
but there can be trolls hanging around who can be less than polite.
Second, yes, they may well be menstrual type cramps. Just because you no longer have a period does not mean that you no longer have hormones.
I have been menopaused for almost 8 years (marriage scared my period away!) but still get 'cycles' on occasions...the usual menstrual symptoms from swelling to headaches right down to the heavy uterus feeling and cramps...fortunately it doesn't last as long as it used to nor does it end with a peroid but it still feels PMS-like. I have noticed (although this is not a scientific observation, just a girl-intuition thing) that when I am around my best friend and her daughter and they get their periods, I get a 'phantom cycle' too. Maybe it is Harem syndrom...where all the girls get their 'periods' at the same time, even the menopaused ones!
If it goes away on its own and doesn't come back then it should be fine but if it comes back or you start bleeding, please call your GYN or doctor.