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Hi All! I've recently started using a Diva cup in an attempt to be more green, and save money. I've gotten used to the insertion and have no issues during the day. However, every night, the cup leaks! I'm 3+ years post op so I know everything is settled and healed. I think it must have something to do with me laying on my side. Does any one else have experience with a diva cup or other menstrual cups leaking at night, but not during the day?
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I just tried menstrual cups last summer, but I have a low flow and usually go without a product at night.

I noticed no leaks usually during the day, but when I would go to the bathroom (several times a day with a pouch!), I would leak blood on the TP.

WHen we get scoped they have us lay on our sides because it relaxes the muscles-wonder if the same dynamic is at play?
There are various branded menstrual cups available in the market for different sizes. Initially I was also facing this problem of choosing the right cup for me , like I tried Diva cup, Moon cup and Cupissima cup . I faced different issues with the Moon cup and Diva cup but Cupissima coupe menstruelle small size is the perfect cup for me. So I would suggest you to try this one if it could suit you.

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