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I have had my brain burned out so often from surgery and anesthesia that I thought that I would never get it back...As a teacher that is a tragedy.

I noticed that it goes in 3 week and 3 month phases for me...the 1st 3 weeks I cannot even concentrate enough to read a book...the next 3 months I can do basic tasks but nothing requiring concentration at all (reading the tv guide is as far as I get), then I get to the next 3 months I can read books, remember names and do some memory the end it takes me up to a year or more to get most of my mental faculties back...that is not figuring in the meds....

I am exactly 1yr post op for the last surgery (3hrs)...and can finally remember my students names (mostly)...

Long walks, mild exercise, deep breathing, yoga, good nutrition & hydration all help...multi vitamins, iron, B complex and trace minerals all help too but I cannot say that there is one secret to getting your brain back (if there was I would bottle it and make a fortune)...patience!


Since stage 2 surgery, I've suffered from dehydration and when severe, to the extent of being admitted into Hospital; I had to really concentrate just to speak.

I would lose track of what I was saying mid sentence and totally forget the most basic of questioned asked after I had started to answer.

Since takedown, I've never dehydrated to such an extent but at times when I do fail to consume enough fluids or electrolytes, it does effect my judgment, such as making decisions, I wouldn't normally make such errors.

Last edited by Former Member

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