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Marijuana has been made into a taboo topic.

(Reefer Madness must be on a loop with the guy who posted second.  It 2022. Not 1930.)

When it should not be.. It's just silly.

And people who want to smoke it will no matter what.  And have for centuries.

Same with any other drug. Legal or illegal.

Bring up alcohol.  It's legal. Kills alot of people and destroys more lives than pot ever will.

My 2 cents. And I don't use either.  I have. But not in decades.


I consider thc and cbd as just another therapy in our universe of possibilities.

I am sure it works for some.

In my case, I really never liked mj as a rec drug as a teenager, so I am not inclined to use it now.
But if it works as a therapy for others, great.

I have a number of family members who use it and have suggested it for me (more than once).

this thread is way old and I would love to know why the former member was so opposed to it, considering it is now accepted as a medicinal treatment for a number of ailments.

@New577 posted:

this thread is way old and I would love to know why the former member was so opposed to it, considering it is now accepted as a medicinal treatment for a number of ailments.


While this thread is "way old", I chose to revive it with my recent post mainly because there are around 15 plus marijuana threads of varying age, this thread came to the top of the search results, and I do not think any of the 15 or so others were "new" either.  There is already way too many threads on the topic, and I was simply trying to eliminate "board clutter" caused by posters who do not have the courtesy to do a 10 second search and see if there are existing threads on the topic before starting a new one.  By starting a new thread, I would have added to the ridiculous board clutter and made research on the marijuana topic even harder with even more threads.

In a perfect world, there would be one combined thread on all facets of the topic, but guess what, it's not a perfect world.

One other thing I wanted to mention which is more of a response to MysticCobra's post but to yours as well, is that almost all of the numerous marijuana threads suffered the same fate as this one, which is to become sidetracked with posts advancing anti-marijuana agendas.  In some cases, that has been by some narrow minded/judgmental Holy Roller types, and in at least 2 cases I recall, they packed up their toys and left when they were told to stop hijacking the thread.  The former member in this thread had something of a long background story for his anti-marijuana position, which he elaborated on at length in another thread on marijuana and it kind of took him out of the "Holy Roller" realm.  More recently we had another poster, also no longer around, who would repeatedly interrupt the thread to tell us that marijuana was "evil", and implying that some harsh judgment awaited those who used it.  I think that poster had a bunch of posts deleted, and then eventually packed up the toys and went home.

My own intention in reviving the thread was not to start or revive a non-constructive debate on these issues, but to actually contribute information on the topic, based on my own personal experience testing a marijuana product, which I did.

Last edited by CTBarrister

Thanks CT for the clarification.

I would have never figured that in this day and age, there would still be controversy regarding the product as a medicine.

I for one welcome any and all suggestions regarding ways to minimize our pain and discomfort.  ( that’s primarily what I am here for).

In fact I would state that the knowledge I have attained here is far greater then  what I have received from some on my care team.

thank you for all of your efforts and posts.


Last edited by New577

I drove up to Holyoke Mass. last week and spent around $300 at 2 different recreational marijuana stores there- Canna Provisions and Dazed Cannabis. Virtually all of my purchases were in the category of "marijuana for sleep", but I am finding that all of the marijuana products I have used slow down the bowels considerably and provide an Imodium- like effect thus giving you 2 mechanisms of action in 1. A 1-2 punch, like a sleeping pill and Imodium in one gummy. Below I will post on some of the products I purchased.

Last edited by CTBarrister

Interesting!  I have never noticed MJ products slowing down the gut.  I will have to pay better attention in the future.  I have noticed an anti-inflammatory effect, but also thought there might be a rebound effect for me.  I might be somewhat allergic, which is sad because THC/CBD can be quite pleasant.  I'm not really sure yet.  I will have to experiment more.  In Texas there is something called "Delta 8" which is legal here when many MJ products aren't.  It's a nice sleep aid.

Update for Connecticut residents here:  The City of New Haven, CT has approved retail cannabis stores and 5 will be allowed in the city proper (1 store per 25,000 population):

They should be up and running by end of 2022.  This will spare us all having to make the gummy runs to Massachusetts.  So far this summer I have made gummy runs to Mass. and to Maine, when I was on vacation there in June.

The Coast gummies I use have all organic ingredients but I can't seem to find the ingredients list for them, so I will post later on when I go home after work. I believe the Coast gummies are just like Zonked, using an organic sweetener that is something other than sugar. They aren't particularly sweet. The Coast gummies are slightly more potent than the Zonked (over 15 TAC per gummy), but unlike the Zonked, they do not contain melatonin.

Last edited by CTBarrister

There are also oils sold that have no sugar.  There is a kind sold here that comes in a spray bottle, though one spray is too much for me.  I transfer it to a dropper bottle so that I can just take one or two drops for relaxation/sleep.  This is some of that Delta 8 stuff, which is legal in TX.  It is a different chemical makeup than the natural products, though, so it might not affect the guts the same.

@CTBarrister posted:


While this thread is "way old", I chose to revive it with my recent post mainly because there are around 15 plus marijuana threads of varying age, this thread came to the top of the search results, and I do not think any of the 15 or so others were "new" either.  There is already way too many threads on the topic, and I was simply trying to eliminate "board clutter" caused by posters who do not have the courtesy to do a 10 second search and see if there are existing threads on the topic before starting a new one.  By starting a new thread, I would have added to the ridiculous board clutter and made research on the marijuana topic even harder with even more threads.

In a perfect world, there would be one combined thread on all facets of the topic, but guess what, it's not a perfect world.

One other thing I wanted to mention which is more of a response to MysticCobra's post but to yours as well, is that almost all of the numerous marijuana threads suffered the same fate as this one, which is to become sidetracked with posts advancing anti-marijuana agendas.  In some cases, that has been by some narrow minded/judgmental Holy Roller types, and in at least 2 cases I recall, they packed up their toys and left when they were told to stop hijacking the thread.  The former member in this thread had something of a long background story for his anti-marijuana position, which he elaborated on at length in another thread on marijuana and it kind of took him out of the "Holy Roller" realm.  More recently we had another poster, also no longer around, who would repeatedly interrupt the thread to tell us that marijuana was "evil", and implying that some harsh judgment awaited those who used it.  I think that poster had a bunch of posts deleted, and then eventually packed up the toys and went home.

My own intention in reviving the thread was not to start or revive a non-constructive debate on these issues, but to actually contribute information on the topic, based on my own personal experience testing a marijuana product, which I did.

I'm certainly not anti Marijuana.

I've had my share.   

When I mentioned alcohol in my post I should have elaborated that I'd rather use Marijuana than alcohol.

I worked the afternoon/night shift most of my working life.  I smoked to sleep at weird hours and it certainly worked.

I didn't mean to hijack the thread.  I had no intention of doing so or dissing the use of it.

To each his own.  If a person finds it works for them I'm all for it.   

I know I would rather do the edible side of it. Smoking it. Nah.

I don't judge people if they smoke or not. And I'm certainly not a holy roller. 

Alot of the pharmaceutical synthetic drugs we use came from the idea of other plants. Opium is a good example.

Anyone who has gone through surgery has benefited from that.


Richard, that long post was not at all directed at you but I referred to a couple of other posters who continually hijacked the marijuana threads.  One of whom had some warped religious agenda and that poster  continually referred to marijuana as "evil" and made other conclusory statements that were unsupported by any facts, reasoning or science of any kind. It was a way of responding to your post as to why I revived this particular thread. One of the hijackers was a former member and he did explain his anti-marijuana agenda and it actually wasn't motivated by a religious agenda but other more intensely personal reasons. Although he had his own reasons he was also denying others on the board the chance to educate themselves on this topic. I picked the thread that had the least pollution in it - just like people try to breathe air that doesn't have smoke and exhaust fumes in it.

Last edited by CTBarrister

Thanks CT.

I just wanted to clarity I'm not against its use.

I just ramle a little.... Well. Way too much.

P. S.

I donated to norml back in the 70's. They sent out a little MJ leaf pin. In gold. Not real gold. Wish I knew where it was now.  I was proud to wear it.   Nowadays it wouldn't be seen as radical wearing it  but I wore it all the time.


Last edited by Mysticobra

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