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Marijuana; often referred to, and also know as Cannabis, can mess with your mind and with your mood. It can disturb your sleep and can make you depressed.

Some will become anxious, panicky, and even aggressive. You might see or hear things which are not there (known as hallucinations) which may be frightening.

For some people, cannabis causes hours or even days of anxiety, paranoia, delusions and hallucinations that usually only settles down after the cannabis is stopped.

Cannabis can freak you out - it can cause feelings of anxiety, suspicion, panic and paranoia.

For people with illnesses such as schizophrenia, cannabis can cause a serious relapse.

Regular cannabis use is known to be associated with an increase in the risk of later developing psychotic illnesses including schizophrenia; and if you have a family background of mental illness, you may also have an increased risk.

Cannabis can affect the way the brain works. Regular, heavy use makes it difficult to learn and concentrate and research has linked cannabis use to poor exam results. This is a potentially serious risk if you’re young, when the brain is still developing. People who take a lot of cannabis can also find they lack motivation.

A recent review of cannabis research published in the British Medical Journal found those driving under the influence of cannabis had nearly double the risk of an accident.

Cannabis can mess with your body.

Tobacco and cannabis share some of the same chemical 'nasties', so, like smoking tobacco, smoking cannabis can make asthma worse, can cause wheezing in people without asthma and can even lead to lung cancer.

When people mix cannabis with tobacco they're also taking on all the risks associated with smoking tobacco, which can range from coughs and chest infections to cancer or heart disease.

It can increase the heart rate and affect blood pressure, which can be especially harmful for those with heart disease.

It is reported that frequent use of cannabis may affect fertility. It can cut a man's sperm count and can suppress ovulation in women.

If you’re pregnant, smoking cannabis may increase the risk of your baby being born smaller than expected.

What is the effect of mixing cannabis and alcohol?

Mixing cannabis with alcohol can have particularly serious consequences - the accident rate is 16 times higher than for cannabis or alcohol alone.

It's also foul smelling, especially the strain often referred to as skunk.

After its use, your hair, breath, skin, clothes and home will reek of it, and everyone will know, especially your neighbours

Last edited by Former Member

Wow!  I never heard of most of these side effects.  Personally, I have never smoked, vaped, eaten or touch marijuana.  That said, because of the serious nature of my son’s pain, he has been given a card to obtain medical marijuana.  We haven’t tried it yet because he just had more surgery last week and did not think it wise to try it before surgery.  It has to have some positive effect because people are using it for pain and having some success.  In my son’s case, he has to get off the opioids.  And marijuana is our only alternative.

I've tried it before I had my J pouch surgeries in UC days to bring it l under control. It helped but came at a greater cost. Smoking is very addictive. Once I realised that I thought to quit it. I switched to ciggrates. It took almost 6 months to quit completely only after smoking for like a year that too very often. I had endless anxiety bursts and depressed sort of feeling after that. I am glad I quit and I am never going back to that place.

Last edited by Raj

As we learned yesterday in downtown New Haven, synthetic marijuana is being sold on the street, sometimes laced with fentanyl causing 71 overdoses in a New Haven Park.

Street cocktail laced with fentanyl is what killed music legend Prince. If marijuana is used, it should only be purchased from a certfiied medical marijuana purveyor. I am personally skeptical as to its efficacy in treating IBD. 

Last edited by CTBarrister

Whoa whoa whoa!! Personal bias much folks? Jesus christ, I swear the second post in this question sounds like the infamous 30's U.S. scare tactic film 'Reefer madness' (take a watch of it if you havent, its absolutely hilarious and based ENTIRELY on no empirical evidence at the time but just the demonization of the drug due to it being predominately used by African Americans (ironically mostly Blues musicians, lol!)).

I've been smoking weed since I was 19 (I'm 55 now) and have suffered NONE of the horrible effects posted here by, looking at the responses, mostly people who have NO personal experience with these claims and who have the typical old school bias towards unknown things.

I also have literally countless friends and aquaintances over the past 4 decades that have never suffered all these exaggerated claims. Yes, like ANYTHING, including seemingly wonderful positive things such as sex, relegion, working out, anything abused and used in excess can be VERY bad and have side effects.

Jeffsmom, I have a drs. appt. I HAVE to run to at the moment, I'm out of time, feel free to email me at and I'll give you an unbiased and honest response that may well give you the info you seek that will help your son

strange posted:

Marijuana; often referred to, and also know as Cannabis, can mess with your mind and with your mood. It can disturb your sleep and can make you depressed.

Some will become anxious, panicky, and even aggressive. You might see or hear things which are not there (known as hallucinations) which may be frightening.

For some people, cannabis causes hours or even days of anxiety, paranoia, delusions and hallucinations that usually only settles down after the cannabis is stopped.

Cannabis can freak you out - it can cause feelings of anxiety, suspicion, panic and paranoia.

For people with illnesses such as schizophrenia, cannabis can cause a serious relapse.

Regular cannabis use is known to be associated with an increase in the risk of later developing psychotic illnesses including schizophrenia; and if you have a family background of mental illness, you may also have an increased risk.

Cannabis can affect the way the brain works. Regular, heavy use makes it difficult to learn and concentrate and research has linked cannabis use to poor exam results. This is a potentially serious risk if you’re young, when the brain is still developing. People who take a lot of cannabis can also find they lack motivation.

A recent review of cannabis research published in the British Medical Journal found those driving under the influence of cannabis had nearly double the risk of an accident.

Cannabis can mess with your body.

Tobacco and cannabis share some of the same chemical 'nasties', so, like smoking tobacco, smoking cannabis can make asthma worse, can cause wheezing in people without asthma and can even lead to lung cancer.

When people mix cannabis with tobacco they're also taking on all the risks associated with smoking tobacco, which can range from coughs and chest infections to cancer or heart disease.

It can increase the heart rate and affect blood pressure, which can be especially harmful for those with heart disease.

It is reported that frequent use of cannabis may affect fertility. It can cut a man's sperm count and can suppress ovulation in women.

If you’re pregnant, smoking cannabis may increase the risk of your baby being born smaller than expected.

What is the effect of mixing cannabis and alcohol?

Mixing cannabis with alcohol can have particularly serious consequences - the accident rate is 16 times higher than for cannabis or alcohol alone.

It's also foul smelling, especially the strain often referred to as skunk.

After its use, your hair, breath, skin, clothes and home will reek of it, and everyone will know, especially your neighbours

Obviously someone is against


I am the same age as you (55) and can recall being shown scare tactic films in the 3rd grade (probably around 1971) but they mostly focused on hallucinogenic drugs like LSD which were more in vogue at that time. Those films tended to be very dramatic and scary.

With regard to poster Strange, he has given some personal background for his anti-Marijuana positions and, given his personal background, I can understand his strong feelings on this topic. I do not agree with his posts on Marijuana, but he is as entitled to his opinions as he is to his vote on Brexit. 

I understand your point about African Americans’ use of marijuana playing a role in its demonization in the 20th Century, but Strange is (according to his posts) British, and likely not a part of that particular demonization effort.

Last edited by CTBarrister

Anything can cause brain cells to die. Alcohol, marijuana, sugar, paint, nicotine, diesel or fuel, drugs. What is important is to not over do it. As always moderation is key. You can safely smoke pot, drink alcohol, and do whatever drug you want. The only problem is becoming addicted and doing it too much, that's when it becomes harmful. I don't believe the anti marijuana crowd nor do I believe Grundman and the extremely pro marijuana crowd. Both sides are full of propaganda.

Grundman posted:

I also have literally countless friends and aquaintances over the past 4 decades that have never suffered all these exaggerated claims. Yes, like ANYTHING, including seemingly wonderful positive things such as sex, relegion, working out, anything abused and used in excess can be VERY bad and have side effects.

Yeah, I don't think so buddy. I doubt your friends or  "acquaintences" are reporting their side effects to you. This was made up to try to win an internet argument. And when pot heads do this, which they do a lot, it discredits you and them. I live in Canada where pot is legal now. There will be enough studies in due time about all of this. Smoking anything cannot be good for the body. But like anything, that'll never stop people from smoking pot.Heart disease doesn't stop people from eating junk and not exercising. Lung cancer doesnt stop people from smoking cigarettes. Liver disease doesnt stop people from drinking.

We are wired to self destruct..

Edit: I'm also not against pot. I supported the legalization. It's just annoying when potheads go on about there are no downsides to the drug. Don't be like that because nobody will take what you say seriously.

Last edited by AARON
Jeffsmom posted:

I don’t think any of us are looking at street marijuana.  Medical marijuana is a lot safer if you can get the results you need.  We are looking into it for pain management.  Anyone have any success with medical marijuana?

Marijuana is not a pain reliever for those of us with IBD. Tramadol is a good pain reliever. 

I grew up with the fear of Marijuana, the movies and warnings but like most kids, I tried it at age 16. Big mistake. It hit me hard, hurt me badly and made me very, very paranoid. I tried again at 18 and got the confirmation that it wasn't for me. 

One of my childhood friends started early, became a regular user and married a guy who smoked regularly too. They both have addictive personalities and now, in their 60's they are suffering the consequences. Severe memory loss, lethargy, lack of motivation, paranoia etc. 

It is unfortunate. Their lives are somewhat destroyed from it but they are extreme cases. 

Some people can get away with using a mind-altering drug on an occasional basis and never get addicted or hooked, others cannot. Not sure if you can know in advance. 

Some people swear by CBD oil for everything from constipation to migraines, others swear the opposite.

I don't take sides, I just made a choice for myself. 

I always had a general rule...try something once, if you don't like it then try one more time...Still don't like it...Stop.

Maybe try again in a few years. 

But if it hurts you or has very negative side effects, Stop immediately.


I definitely notice decreased cramps, I also find my urgency goes away and helps to reduce my number of bowel movements a day.

I also get much better sleep most of the time. Start low dose and work up to something that works for you.

Most people over dose themselves which is why they have a horrible experience with cannabis. Although it won't kill you it's still harmful to take to much.

Good luck out there!

WHAAAAAAT? Okay.....sorry but I couldn't even read through half of those LMAO. If I skipped over some possitive threads on medical marijuana then I apologise but I Cldnt take reading anymore of that!

It's not gonna destroy your brain lol. It 100% helps me with so many of my symptoms. It's a miracle for a ton of people for a range of different reasons. its been proven to help so many people and so many different diseases and problems! I have a  friend with M.S that can't live a proper life without it! They give it to tons of people for mental issues like social anxiety and PTSD too! I swear by it as well!

I'm not saying go buy a dime bag off a dealer and be all shadey or anything.....but if it's allowed where you live and you got a Dr who will prescribed it to you.....go for it!

Why not? It's natural! Why are people so easy to throw chemicals like oxycodone down there gullets but shy away from a natural medicinal plant that people have used in the past for eons with great success! its not going to ruin your life, your brain, or your over all health to try it one time or to take it for 20 years. Of course have to talk to your dr. See if it's in your area, not illeagle and attainable in a lawful Manor. one point I was takeing so many oxycodones for my pain I was a zombie! I hated them! They made me sleepy, moody, sick when I didn't have them, and just not myself. On top of all that it rarely helped my pain! Eventually the inevitable happened and I got physically addicted.i never took it outside of how I was prescribed! I had to cold turkey myself off of them Wich was what I now call my personal week in hell- the experience. THAT STUFF IS WHAT WILL KILL YOU AND DESTROY YOUR BRAIN! it keeps you addicted and to become UN-addicted they give you stuff that's even MORE addicting then the pills! Its called Suboxone and it's 80% more addicting then the medicine your trying to get off of! Screw all of that noise! Never again for me thanks!

Pot does not/ can not make you physically addicted. You won't become a crack addicted meth head in a year either if you use it lol. I have a medical marijuana card and it's no doubt the only thing that helps me as far as my pain, sleep issues (sorry but anyone who says marijuana keeps you AWAKE.... is just a lier and/or never tried it themselves!), it even helps me with my overwhelming mental stress and depression.

I cant smoke it however. I don't like to smoke. I don't smoke ciggerettes either. I hate that smell! However I do bake it and eat it.

My Dr tried getting me to try this for years and I said "no thanks" always only thinking about what other people would think or say about it...... but you know what? Who cares what other people that don't pay your bills or deal with your health issues think? All I know now is that it helps me ALOT. I also seen it helps people I know and love.(infact hes who got me to actually try it!)

If it helps make life easier, less painful and happier why not do it?! And yes I have two 8 year old kids. Yes they know what I have to take. (They know the nightmare they would get if they even looked at mommys locked medicine box too.) But they are also WELL aware of the way I was prior to ueing it. They see me now after I use it. They see mommy can actually move around the house,clean and cook without being crippled over in agony every 10 mins. I can help them with homework more often and I have more patience because it helps melt my stress away. They see that mommy don't need to go to bed and stay there for days at a time with a vomit bag tied to her nightstand. They see mommy don'tcry anymore in the bathroom for 30-40 minutes at a time either in pain or just sheer depression.

I mean I'm not saying it's a god send. It's not! it didn't cure me and I do still have bad days where even that won't help....but I wish I wouldnt have been so concerned about what other people would say about me if they know I used it and just tried it a long time ago! It could have saved me sooooooo many painful Flair's, mental breakdowns, all out unhappy days and nights that were spent preying to any god who would listen for just a few hours of peace and relief! This stigma of marijuana is total crap lol. I was one of those people too....I always thought "nooooow marijuana is bad I can't try that it's a gateway drug!" Bull! When I actually tried it for myself....I was instantly 100% possitive it is NOT the devil's plaything like school used to drill into us but instead its an actual medical choice that NO ONE should feel ashamed of for trying or useing to feel better! You only get one life.....and it's short.....if you find something that helps you THEN STICK WITH IT and don't give a rats patoot what the nay sayers think! 

Wow! I can’t be.ieve what a firestorm this topic stirred up!  Everything has side effects, everything has the risk of killing brain cells.  There is good and bad with all drugs and therapies.  We have had several doctors, including Dr Remzi, recommend medical marijuana to my son.  He had to get off all the opioids.  Almost anything is better than opioids.  And finding pain management in this day and age is nearly impossible.  With respect to Jeffrey, I don’t believe  he has tried the marijuana yet.  He has been on methodone for pain management and it has helped tremendously.  He should be getting off of it shortly and then he will see how he feels.  He is nervous about it, so it is entirely up to him.  We’ll see.  But the most important thing is that he is off all the opioids and getting better.  This journey seems to never end!



Most of these claims seem exaggerated and also depends on person to person. Each person is different. I had takedown in 2010 and been smoking one pack a day, weed, and drinking almost everyday (bourbon, Vodka, Whisky) and wine. I been keeping great except I decided to stop smoking last year because of all media around smoking and cancer. However, that caused huge pouch flare and I had to go on antibiotics for a month. I got better but I am now afraid to going back to same life style like last year (2020).

I started taking edibles and asked multiple times on this forum if anyone has experience with Edibles (5mg THC x2+CBD) everyday. I want some data to prove if Cannabis is harmful or helpful for patients with J-Pouch

MJ is legal in my state.

I pop an edible in pill form and it is AWESOME.

I can work fine on it, I laugh more, and relax.

You do not have to smoke it these days...You simply buy edibles(chocolate bars, pills, gummies, etc.).

My Gastro Doc said she doesn't mind AT ALL if I use MJ.

Overall, it has helped...

BTW, you WILL get the munchies and an increased appetite....You can judge for yourself if that's a good thing. Personally, I think we should eat less.

I would not do it every day....Like others have said, try not to abuse it like you wouldn't abuse alcohol, caffeine, etc.

MJ is far less addictive than alcohol or tobacco......That has been proven.

Overall, yes, I recommend it for people with IBD.

@temoty posted:

MJ is legal in my state.

I pop an edible in pill form and it is AWESOME.

I can work fine on it, I laugh more, and relax.

You do not have to smoke it these days...You simply buy edibles(chocolate bars, pills, gummies, etc.).

My Gastro Doc said she doesn't mind AT ALL if I use MJ.

Overall, it has helped...

BTW, you WILL get the munchies and an increased appetite....You can judge for yourself if that's a good thing. Personally, I think we should eat less.

I would not do it every day....Like others have said, try not to abuse it like you wouldn't abuse alcohol, caffeine, etc.

MJ is far less addictive than alcohol or tobacco......That has been proven.

Overall, yes, I recommend it for people with IBD.

Agree. I take gummies & love it. I do have increased appetite but I don’t do it every day. Definitely not addictive. What I love about it is that it makes me happy, I sleep well & most imp I enjoy sex. It’s out of world experience.

Last edited by Adam21
Former Member posted:

Marijuana; often referred to, and also know as Cannabis, can mess with your mind and with your mood. It can disturb your sleep and can make you depressed.

Some will become anxious, panicky, and even aggressive. You might see or hear things which are not there (known as hallucinations) which may be frightening.

For some people, cannabis causes hours or even days of anxiety, paranoia, delusions and hallucinations that usually only settles down after the cannabis is stopped.

Cannabis can freak you out - it can cause feelings of anxiety, suspicion, panic and paranoia.

For people with illnesses such as schizophrenia, cannabis can cause a serious relapse.

Regular cannabis use is known to be associated with an increase in the risk of later developing psychotic illnesses including schizophrenia; and if you have a family background of mental illness, you may also have an increased risk.

Cannabis can affect the way the brain works. Regular, heavy use makes it difficult to learn and concentrate and research has linked cannabis use to poor exam results. This is a potentially serious risk if you’re young, when the brain is still developing. People who take a lot of cannabis can also find they lack motivation.

A recent review of cannabis research published in the British Medical Journal found those driving under the influence of cannabis had nearly double the risk of an accident.

Cannabis can mess with your body.

Tobacco and cannabis share some of the same chemical 'nasties', so, like smoking tobacco, smoking cannabis can make asthma worse, can cause wheezing in people without asthma and can even lead to lung cancer.

When people mix cannabis with tobacco they're also taking on all the risks associated with smoking tobacco, which can range from coughs and chest infections to cancer or heart disease.

It can increase the heart rate and affect blood pressure, which can be especially harmful for those with heart disease.

It is reported that frequent use of cannabis may affect fertility. It can cut a man's sperm count and can suppress ovulation in women.

If you’re pregnant, smoking cannabis may increase the risk of your baby being born smaller than expected.

What is the effect of mixing cannabis and alcohol?

Mixing cannabis with alcohol can have particularly serious consequences - the accident rate is 16 times higher than for cannabis or alcohol alone.

It's also foul smelling, especially the strain often referred to as skunk.

After its use, your hair, breath, skin, clothes and home will reek of it, and everyone will know, especially your neighbours

Many (most) of these points are simplifications of the data, most of which are inconclusive. I can cite studies from reputable journals that contradict most of the above statements—it’s a matter of cherry picking. Others are just taken out of context and cannot be concluded from the published studies. For example the point about increasing heart rate and BP. So does exercise. This would be significant if it actually increased cardiovascular/stroke risk, and there was a study published a while back that suggested it might increase risk of MI. This study ultimately failed to demonstrate a meaningful relationship but had a cool study design so it made the rounds. There is no causal link between marijuana and schizophrenia. In one study, MJ has been shown to improve cognitive function in the aging brain. Maybe it makes young brains old and old brains young ;-) Unfortunately most of this work is done on mice or on humans in purely observational (biased) studies. As long as it remains a schedule 1 drug we will never have any good data.

Essentially, we don’t know if it works for condition A or B and at what risk. We do know from our own experiences (maybe in our youth, as an “ally” to stoner friends, or a seasoned professional) and decades of experience with Perdue pharma that it is a hell of a lot less likely to kill you than oxycodone.

One last point, if you want to avoid those “nasty chemicals” it shares with cigarettes, also known as products of combustion, just vape (at low temp) or eat it.

Just a couple of pennies to counteract the hysteria…


My sister reports good results with these edibles for sleep and I want to try them, but for sleep:

Have you used these and do the edibles help with sleep? As long as I can sleep through the night and not wake up with severe munchies I am willing to try. I doubt they would help me with the stricture issue I have but if they help with sleep and relax me a bit, as Meatloaf once said, 2 out of 3 ain't bad:

Last edited by CTBarrister

I've had great success with marijuana.  I find that it helps my digestion, mood, helps me relax at night and fall asleep.

If you plan on smoking, I'd recommend a water pipe to help filter out crap from the smoke.

If you have an option Indica is more relaxing; sativa is more mental activating for me. 

With edibles, if you've not been using cannabis before, start with 5mg and wait a few hours.  Some people will take 5mg and go take a nap, others will take 5mg and feel nothing.

DO NOT EAT THE ENTIRE 100mg candybar. . .you want to start small and slow until you find what your tolerance level.

I usually avoid this subject like the plague...but...

I am totally against 'drugs'...that said, when you need them, you need them. If you take pain killers, whether prescription or not, they are still drugs. We all need antibiotics now & again and yes, they are, I don't seem to have a problem with 'medication' but recreational drugs. Why? Because they get abused, used by young people who cannot handle them and tend to overdo it at the worst times in their lives and many, too many, get hooked...even if they say that Marijuana is not addictive, technically, it is. They start young and it becomes a habit. It lowers their motivation. Not a statistic, a fact.

It also changes mood (yup, that is why they do it). And yes, it can have some nasty side effects whether it be sleepiness when driving or working, paranoia or severe munchies. There are many more. It is often, for kids, a form or evasion (again, why they do it).

As a teacher I have seen what it can do to kids, especially the most fragile...and I hate it.

That said, most of us on this site are not teenagers nor impressionable young adults starting out in life but experienced people who are suffering.

Sleeplessness, constipation for a few, bowel troubles for many, appetite, pain, anxiety...the list goes on and SuperPharma often does not have a reasonable answer to our problems.

I prefer non-addictive and people are telling me that this stuff works for pain. If you can find relief from pain, anxiety, insomnia or whatever it is that conventional medicine has been unable to help you with then please do.

Yup, I just said that. I haven't tried it yet, mostly because I am chicken and when I did tried it at 16 (about a century ago!) I had the worst side effects I have stayed away...but my pain level is horrific on a regular basis. I cannot sleep some nights from the pain and I get no relief.

I live off of NSAIDs, my liver hates me and I will eventually have to go off of this may just do the trick. I might just be one of those people who shouldn't take it. I may not be able to but I am becoming open-minded about it.

Pain is pain and if you cannot function normally because of it then anything that can give you some relief is worth a try.

Good luck to all of you who finally do try it...and please report back on your results.


Marijuana can get psychologically addictive, there is no doubt about that. This has been in textbooks of toxicology for ages. However, it does not become addictive for everyone. Depending on frequency of use, personality, other factors etc, it does not necessarily become addictive. When it becomes addictive, it is not easy to quit. I am talking about psychological addiction. If you come to a point you feel stressed or depressed without MJ, you have hit that point, and you need professional help.

Will it change your brain chemistry after years of regular use? Of course it will. Will that be worse for you? Depends.

I lost a cousin to suicide when he was 24 after he got into serious depression upon quitting daily use of MJ since his teenage years. It is serious addiction. I would never use it every single day, while I know a lot of people who do and seem fine. We will see how they will fare with dementia 30-40 years later.

Last edited by Former Member

I have ongoing sleep issues and I recently purchased the below marijuana edible product called "Zonked". It's extremely potent. I was told one gummy an hour before bedtime and one at bedtime but I would strongly suggest starting by just using one. It helped me get to sleep and had an added bonus of majorly slowing down my bowel output, Imodium style. Was the equivalent of taking two imodiums. Here is what the product looks like and I will also post below the label so you can identify the operative marijuana ingredients:7EA28C89-0876-4BC1-85FF-7806C5DB2C31


Images (2)
  • 7EA28C89-0876-4BC1-85FF-7806C5DB2C31
  • BF4656CD-BF3E-4BCA-B590-093D78B57612
Last edited by CTBarrister

I did not see anything about pure cbd oil as a substitute for opiates. My dog has been in great pain for six months from arthritis. She was on the highest dose of opiates allowed for her weight and she was still in pain. We switched to twice a day .5ml of cbd oil and she is no longer in pain, and can run and play again. There is no thc in her oil. I don’t know if pure cbd oil is available for humans but it is worth researching.

@Chook2 posted:

Marijuana is great for my jpouch but it's illegal here.

It's legal in Connecticut and it's probably worth mentioning here that everyone should check the laws of their jurisdiction.  Interestingly, although marijuana is now legal to buy in Connecticut, many individual towns have now passed local ordinances preventing the development of marijuana dispensaries.  The result is many in Connecticut are going out of state to buy their marijuana products.  My "Zonked" edible gummies were purchased at a store called Canna Provisions in Lee, Massachusetts just over the border with CT:

Here is a map of marijuana legality by state in the USA:

Legality by country:

Last edited by CTBarrister

I did not see anything about pure cbd oil as a substitute for opiates. My dog has been in great pain for six months from arthritis. She was on the highest dose of opiates allowed for her weight and she was still in pain. We switched to twice a day .5ml of cbd oil and she is no longer in pain, and can run and play again. There is no thc in her oil. I don’t know if pure cbd oil is available for humans but it is worth researching.

You might want to look at this product which is more concentrated than what you are using and no THC:

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