Hi all,
Hope you are feeling good today ! I am after some gems of wisdom for my current symptoms:
I have had the pouch now since 2003 and then diagnosed with mild/chronic pouchitis 6 months after take down and have had several dilation procedures due to strictures and in the last few years I have had increasing cycles of fissures/strictures and hemorrhoids. Each time the hemorrhoids get worse and become more difficult to manage. What I have observed is these three are all related and they usually trigger from a fissure first if I have eaten something I shouldn't or have eaten too much food for the pouch to cope with. The fissure then would take 1-2 weeks to heal and would recur if I had a difficult bowel motion, this would over the 2 weeks increase the likelihood of a pouchitis infection as the fissure would interfere with the evacuation and elasticity of the anal sphincter which would be much tighter due to the fissure pain. This in turn would lead to a slight stricture which would then subsequently tear and cause more fissure like tears, change the bowel motion to be more chronic diarrhea and encourage 'back-up' and an infection requiring antibiotic control. Finally this would then create hemorrhoids, particularly recurring ones that re-occur in the same weakened areas as I try to evacuate but cannot easily! Sounds like a nightmare doesn't it ! Talk about frustrating ! Well, I am asking the forum for help on the following:
1.) How can I break this cycle?
2.) What are some of the most effective home remedies to manage Fissures, Strictures (caused probably my scar tissue) and then nasty recurring hemorrhoids?
3.) Would you continue to take antibiotics through this period (i.e. low maintenance dose to protect against any infection possibility?)
4.) What diets can be eaten during this horrid bad spiral? Often I fast or go fluids only because its the only way to stop the chronic diarrhea or constipation (from strictures) which gives me respite and hopefully encourages healing by reduced bowel frequency. This seems to be on the increase so I am not getting on top of the bad spiral which can last weeks to a couple of months of suffering in some cases.
5.) Is there typically anything a gastroenterologist / proctologist would help with in these scenarios (I am mainly self managing with recurring chronic pouchitis and perianal inflammation (Possibly this is Crohns Disease although I have never been diagnosed with anything other than UC and the total colectomy / J pouch was supposed to heal this but I still get a lot of problems in the tail end / anal canal/ peri-anal area which of the two is by far the more inconvenient and disruptive ). I sometimes feel when I go to an expert in these circumstances they just prescribe another cream as they are never major enough for any office based or surgical procedures (although sometimes feel as if they are !). I am sure there are lots they could do (e.g. steroid suppositories/ predfoam etc) but they never seem to recommend much
6.) Does anyone have any success with Rutin / Horse Chesnut for strengthening the blood vessels for hemorrhoids / Fissureheal suppositories for Fissures/hemorrhoids?
Thanks for taking the time to read my post ! I hope you can relate to some of these awkward things that happen to us with IBD and have some useful tips of self-mastery and wisdom to share!