Hello to all ☘️
I am running into serious issues finding lubricants for inserting my tube to empty. I use Edgepark and when they became a part of Cardinal, the individual packets are now so tiny, I use at least 2., sometime 3 a time.
The least expensive OTC is not available anymore and KY is just SOOOO expensive as I must entubate appx. 10 to 12 times a day!! I have contacted numerous suppliers and am being told the same thing, Sorry we can no longer obtain the item.
My Dr. is offering no suggestions and Ostomy nurses are not either.
i fear I will soon be in the Poor House trying to cover supplies, as cover pads also run out well before I remove more.I drip a lot of mucose
Hey on second thought, , I may also be in the Nut House if the supply issue doesn’t improve, my newest 30 Fr tubes are still too flimsy to insert, so bleaching old ones.
Any ideas? Appears not many people on this forum these days 😢 Miss you all!
Happy St Pat’s Weekend ☘️
Thsnks in advance, Jan