You're right! First, congratulations on your take-down and healing of the fistulas.
Sounds like things in that area are moving slowly because it's a narrow spot. I've come to understand that narrowing of the area at the location of the stoma closure is very common. There are two surgical approaches to the take-down, end-to-end and side-to-side, both susceptible to some version of this problem. If you search "obstruction" or "stricture" on the site you'll find many descriptions of people with these issues within a few years of the surgery. The good news is it seems to settle down after a while. In the meantime, high protein diet, fiber avoidance and plenty of liquids may help.
I'm writing this @ 3:30am instead of sleeping, because I'm waiting for my narrow-ish spot, just dilated during pouch-oscopy, to clear. I experience the same fullness and gurgling that you do. It's better than it was before being dilated, but I was not quite careful enough with my diet yesterday.
15 months & still learning.