It's been awhile since I've visited! I have had several bouts of extreme lower back pain in the last 6 months or so. (My jpouch is about 5 years old.)
At first I thought it was just "normal" back pain, but after repeated episodes, and no "injuries" I can think of, I am beginningto fear it may be something pouch related.
It is very very low back pain that feels very tight and hot. It is so low, it sometimes feels like it is butt muscles, and not back. I start to feel so locked up and tight it's like my low back and glutes are completely clenched. Does this sound like it could be Pouch related? After searching on here, it seems like there are issues that could be related? What does AS feel like? Or pouchitis? (I don't seem to have any potty issues.)
I am so tired of the pain, and although my doc has prescribed Naproxen and Norco (for what he presumes is "regular" low back pain - we haven't discussed anything else), those pills do NOTHING to help.
Thanks in advance - you guys are the best!
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