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a lot of us have anemia problems here and I have a question. The past few months I have had to get iron infusions. My levels are getting better but my GI Dr Bo Shen stated that some need to get them for the rest of our days every now and then. I didn't really dig in and ask him why? Is it just due to the autoimmunity? Some have said it gets low from bleeding. As far as I know I haven't had any active bleeding?? yes I have had 3 surgeries over the past year but I would think once my levels are back to somewhat normal I would not need any more infusions for the foreseeable future?? anyone comment on this?

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I have had anemia since my bcir surgery 15 years ago. I have been told that since my ileum was used for the pouch, I do not absorb iron like most people (please someone correct me if this is wrong) I tried the iron pills at first, but they did not help and gave me terrible cramping.

i have been getting iron infusions for 15 yrs, but now I only have to have them once a year (ferraheme infusions) I get my blood checked every 6 months, and when the ferritin starts going down it's time for an infusion. It's very important for me to keep a close check on my ferritin levels. I have also been taking forvia chewable vitamins made specifically for people with chrons and colitis. 

I also see Dr. SHen, but just for my yearly scope, but I never asked him about this. I see the hematologist for the iron. 

Good luck. Do you know if you have also been getting ferraheme? 

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