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First of all I'm not sure my problem is related to my j-pouch but seeing as I'm otherwise healthy I'm reaching out to you guys just in case you recognise my symptoms.

around 3 weeks ago I suddenly developed low back and abdominal pain at exactly the same time.  It feels like spasms/cramps. If I try to bend down to pick something off the floor my back will scream with pain, the abdominal pain comes in waves, though I'm aware of both back and tummy all the time. 

I waited 2 weeks to see my GP as I was hoping it would just go away on its own. I must tell you I regularly take 20mg OxyContin modified release tablets for adhesion pain and have 10mg Oxy immediate release I can take for breakthrough pain. At first I tried taking the Oxy but it didn't help any so just stuck to the MR which I've been in for 7+ yrs. my GP didn't know what was wrong as there was no pain when he examined my back or stomach. My temp and blood pressure were fine. He took bloods to check for inflammation etc - they came back within normal ranges so ... I'm stuck, pain just as bad, he did give me 5mg Diazepam to take 3 x daily and while I get slightvrelief for about an hour after taking it I'm then left for another 7 hours til the next dose! I called him again on Friday and he advised me if I'm no better in another week to go back and see him. I'm still trying to go to work - I'm an administrator so sitting most of the day thankfully. Many years ago I had an ovarian cyst which disappeared of its own accord and I feel like this pain could be coming from my reproductive area. Btw I'm in the UK so it's not like I can just request a scan etc though that's what I think I need to check what's going on inside. Also I am having an investigation under anaesthesia in 2 weeks as I almost certainly have something called Proctalgia Fugax ( anal pain) so obviously if I'm still suffering from this I will mention it to my surgeon.  Right now though 2 weeks seems an awful long time to be suffering like this!

any advice welcomed. Thanks for taking the time to read my saga! 

Kind regards

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