I was taken to the hospital because of acute renal failure, I was not urinating because of the cancer mass at my uretha, i now have a supa pubic cath which i am still getting used to, i feel as if i have to pee alot down below and that is very nerve racking, I have completed my 2nd round of chemo therpay and i am feeling ok with that, after my 3rd round if the chemo did what it was suposed to i can go in for my debulking, i am really scared, there were only 2 places found on my pet scan, 1 at the back of my uterus outside and then down at my uretha, there were like 2 lymph nodes too, so we are just going to take all we can take out, i do have alot of fibrous tissue down at my vaginal area and inside due to radiation, I also have alot of necrotic tissue and it smells so very badly,the home health car enurses brought me out aquacel to see if that would help, i also have metronidazole cream to put on the rest, i burn so bad down below and i have this barrier cream i used as well to help with raw spots from the fluid draining out of me, i was just wondering if anyone had anything like this or if anyone can offer any suggestions, somedays i dont want to move cause it hurts so bad, i go next week to have my supa pubic cath changed and I am scared to death, I wonder how bad it is going to hurt, thank you ,
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